Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in collaboration with Springer Nature held a Webinar with the theme "How to Get Publish and the Useful Tool for Researchers" online on Wednesday (30/06/2021). The speakers presented were Mabel Tang as Director, Key Accounts, APAC, Springer Nature and Nelly Arifyani, Senior Licensing Manager, Indonesia, Springer Nature.
Springer Nature is a leading academic publisher that has published 4,537 scientific journals (7.6 million articles) in various fields of study. Springer (link.springer.com) and Nature (nature.com) provide many features to make it easier for you to browse millions of the latest journal articles that are relevant to your research topic.
This webinar helps participants to use various search tools available on Springer (link.springer.com) and Nature (nature.com) making it easier to build a research library. In addition, this webinar also discusses strategies for choosing the right scientific journals for scientific publication channels.
Mabel Tang, as the first speaker, explained the material about the platform from the springer. This session is also equipped with an explanation of how to access Springer's e-journal and also hands-on practice to find journals that match the required disciplines. In addition, he also said that Springer has a new tool, namely "Journal Suggester".
Journal Suggester can help researchers find relevant journals based on research results to make it easier to submit to appropriate journals. Researchers only need to type the research title, abstract and subject area on the https://Journalsuggester.springer.com page. Then the journal suggester page will show which journals are relevant for researchers to submit their research results, also include the possibility of what percentage of the research is accepted by the journal in question.
In addition, he also conveyed the differences in publications using the journal suggester and the Journal Guide. Journal suggerter only directs users to the Springer e-journal. Meanwhile, if using the Journal Guide, users are very likely to be directed to other e-journals which of course have a wider reach because they have more than 40,000 journal titles.
On the same occasion, Nelly Arifyani explained how to access Springer (link.springer.com). He gives an example of how to access springer from SSO UNESA. He also said that with the development of Springer which made it easier, he appealed to make the best use of it, so that they could be more productive in producing works of international repute. "If you don't use it, it's a shame, because subscribing to Springer costs a lot of money." he said. (Wulida)
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