Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–With the theme "Towards the UNESA Labschool One Step Ahead", the State University of Surabaya held a Strengthening of Teacher Competency Tests in the Lab. UNESA School, Lidah Wetan on 13–29 January 2022.
Chairperson of the UNESA Dharma Wanita Foundation, Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., said that the activity was aimed at enabling teachers in Surabaya to continue to improve their competence. In addition, to support the balance of Labschool which recently received attention from UNESA.
"This is part of UNESA's efforts to improve teacher competence and advance education in the future according to the times," he told the PR team.
The activity was attended by nearly 200 people consisting of teachers from all agencies in Surabaya such as TK/PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA and SMK. The activity discussed various materials on the implementation of Pancasila in education, designs for blended implementation in learning, minimum competency assessment for numerization, strengthening numerization and literacy in learning, and closed with presentations and feedback in the form of assignments.
Various speakers and participants who attended were very enthusiastic and hoped for a follow-up to this program and looked forward to the next similar programs. In developing the program, the Faculty of Engineering UNESA will also work together. That way, teachers are expected to be able to explore further potential, be more creative, innovative and more up to date regarding technological developments in each era. This is very important to improve the quality of their respective schools.
Expected Lab. School UNESA is increasingly being widely recognized by various educational institutions in Indonesia, especially in the East Java region. Because with this Labschool, all new knowledge and research that will be published in the community, it is better to be tested in it first. "I hope in the future, this Labschool will become one of the advanced and superior schools in Surabaya," he said at the end of the interview. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna and Saputra
Editor: @zam*
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