Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Online learning carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for educators and parents of students. On the one hand, teachers are required to be creative and innovative in designing fun lessons and on the other hand, parents are also required to be good teachers at home.
Regarding optimizing the role of teachers and parents in online learning, UNESA Education Technology Expert Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd discussed it in an education discussion held by YIMI Gresik on Thursday (8/7/2021). The Head of the S-3 Education Technology Study Program said that in implementing online learning, there are several things that teachers need to pay attention to, namely designing learning well based on aspects of objectives, student characteristics, context, and learning materials.
In addition, in online learning, teachers seem to be forced to work indefinitely. In addition to being busy preparing material in the form of narration, video and multimedia, you must also be ready to answer or explain the material to students at any time through the agreed "chat room". Because, not all students can immediately understand the material presented and sometimes raises questions and at least a light discussion on an ongoing basis.
He added that teachers must educate and treat children according to their times. In other words, educators must understand how the "rules of the game" or the ways and processes of children learn in this century. If you used to study identically in the classroom, open the textbook and write. While now learning can be done anywhere, without limits and even through smartphones you can access many things. "Therefore, we as teachers must understand the paradigm of using technology and make it part of the solution and realize effective and efficient learning and learning events," he stressed.
In general, education occurs in three centers, namely the family, school, and community. In addition, there is also a fourth education center, namely media (social and mass). According to him, because students are currently attached to smartphones and tend to use social media, teachers are also challenged to make the media as part of strategies or learning media that are interesting for children.
Meanwhile, another thing that needs to be realized is the existence of new norms in education and learning today. First, the house is the main learning place for children. Second, parents have an important role in encouraging children's interest and motivation to learn. Third, parents must learn and understand learning strategies and learning models. Fourth, teachers are people who learn together with children. "Teachers and parents both play an important role in the growth and development of children," he said.
The future trend of education, namely the combination of face-to-face learning and online learning or what is known as blended learning, needs to be considered by both teachers and parents. The success of blended learning is largely determined by the role of teachers and parents and how the two synergize in carrying out the functions of education, coordination, communication and control both when the child is at home, at school or outside. "Synergism, attractive, meaningful and meaningful learning packages are the keys," he said. "We as parents or teachers must ensure that children or students can socialize well, discuss and communicate and collaborate," he concluded. (hasna/zam)
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