Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Public relations journalistic competence must continue to be improved, that is what the Documentation and Information Services Division, UNESA Public Relations Unit has done through the UNESA Public Relations Reporter Competency Improvement Workshop on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at Joglo, Lab. Freedom to Learn, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
This activity was attended by around 13 new reporters. The reporters are active students from various faculties. On that occasion, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, the Head of Public Relations of UNESA and Prima Vidya Asteria, the Head of the Documentation and Information Services Division, were present.
Vinda Maya stated that public relations has an important role in the organizational structure of higher education. The image of the institution is in the hands of public relations, maintaining good relations between institutions to crisis or problem management is also part of the responsibility of public relations.
This great responsibility must be supported by competent human resources. “Training like this is important to upgrade the ability of public relations reporters. Here we are required to be alert, fast and must be ready at any time,” he said.
In the discussion session of the script review, Mubasyir Aidi, UNESA Magazine Coordinator stated that there are several things that must be considered by magazine and website reporters. Before covering, reporters must design a coverage plan, read references and initial data regarding activities, issues discussed and sources. This makes it easier for reporters to understand and determine the angle of coverage.
When reporting, the reporter must find the data needed based on the coverage plan that was made previously. "Look for data until data, if not found from the discussion, meet and interview the resource person or the person in charge of the activity or related parties in the event. After reporting, try to write it right away,” explained the Editor of the UNESA Magazine.
Meanwhile, Hisyam, the UNESA Website Coordinator explained the strategies for writing, making titles and determining news angles. In writing news, it is normal for reporters to experience confusion in determining the angle and starting writing and determining the title of the news.
The angle of writing, for example in the coverage of a seminar or webinar, can be determined from the most interesting and important part for the public to know about the activity. The interesting and important side of the activity can be seen by anyone who is involved, are there public figures or officials? What was talked about? What is the follow-up like in the future?
For example, the Out-of-school Education Study Program, FIP held a national seminar “Post-pandemic Education Trends” which was attended by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim. The angle of writing can be determined from what the Minister of Education and Culture said in the event.
In the next session, Abdur Rohman, Editor of UNESA Magazine, also gave advice on photojournalism. He explained, in taking pictures of activities, whether it's a picture of the event or a resource person, try to capture a lively picture. "The photos produced can tell a story to readers in other words, when people see our photos, people can catch the message," he explained.
After the discussion session, the reporters had the opportunity to practice photojournalism and dissect them one by one. In general, the participant's photo shoot was good. It's just that, it needs to be improved, especially regarding taking the angle and photo composition. "Keep the spirit, don't stop learning and practicing, photojournalism cannot be skilled at only one training at a time, but it takes practice over and over," he said.
Author: Siska Arianti
Editor: @zam.
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