Surya journalist, Eben Haezer gave material about journalism for advocacy in a guest lecture from the Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) together with the UNESA LPPM Gender Center.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—News narratives about cases of violence or bullying can influence society's perspective and even stigma towards perpetrators, even victims. Therefore, news is not only required to be balanced, but also wise and pro-victim.
The skill of writing news with a pro-victim perspective is what is given to communication students through guest lectures from the Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Sciences. Politics (Fisipol) together with the UNESA LPPM Gender Center on Tuesday, November 5 2024.
The guest lecture had the theme "Writing News with a Pro-Victim Perspective" delivered by two speakers, namely Eben Haezer, journalist Surya, and Putri Aisyiyah R.D., UNESA Communication Science lecturer.

This guest lecture is to equip communication science students to produce journalistic work or news with a pro-victim perspective.
Putri Aisyiyah said that the guest lecture This is part of an effort to respond to the recent dynamics of the world of journalism. News is not born in a vacuum, but can be a tool to give voice to those who are less heard.
Or in the context of violence, news can be a tool to advocate for victims or survivors. This lecture is to equip students who are taking basic journalism courses, with the hope that later they will be able to produce news from a pro-victim perspective.
Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Head of the Center for Gender and Child Studies, said that activities like this are important as a means of education and socialization towards taking sides with marginalized or vulnerable groups.

Head of the Gender Center, Communication Science Study Program Coordinator, presenters and UNESA Communication Science students.
This could be a competency content extra for students other than what they get in lecture classes.
He continued, the Gender Center will choose special material that emphasizes gender, equality, social inclusion, which focuses on global themes.< /p>
"It is important for students to understand this. However, global, national and local conditions must be linear. Understanding of this must reach the community and students," he said.
With this guest lecture can be a provision for students on how to build perspectives in responding to various phenomena in society. Apart from that, they can also gain new insight into how to respond to things such as violence, for example.[*]
Data and documentation: Patria Satya Mahardhika
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