Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Surabaya State University held Halalbihalal at the Unesa Rectorate Building on Friday (21/5/2021). The event, which was also attended virtually by the Unesa academic community, carried the theme "strengthen friendship and improve performance for Unesa one step ahead".
KH. Agoes Ali Mansyuri, also known as Gus Ali, caretaker of the Bumi Sholawat Tulangan Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo, served as a tausiah.
The event began with the chanting of prayers from Banjari Al Makmur Unesa. Followed by recitation of the Al-Qur'an by Ihlal Fauqi Assalami. Then remarks by the Chancellor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
"We apologize physically and spiritually to the whole family of the State University of Surabaya. "It doesn't feel like in these two periods we have to adapt because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but that doesn't reduce the meaning of Eid even without going home," he said.
"Through forgiveness, we can let go of anger and strengthen relationships and empathy towards achievement. Stay optimistic, stay healthy, obey the health program and don't forget to protect your immunity and faith, "he continued.
The song offerings of Ayat-Ayat Cinta also enlivened the event, sung by Della Tiara Paramitha and Dinda Maswati Putri, 1st winner of PEKSIMINAS 2018 and 2020. Then continued with tausiyah KH. Agoes Ali Mansyuri.
In his tausiyah, Gus Ali explained the importance of sincere and sincere intentions for every action and deed. According to him, ordinary charity becomes meaningful if it is wrapped in sincere intentions. Conversely, if it is not wrapped in good intentions and sincerity, charity can be in vain.
There are signs of sincerity, if someone does charity the first thing that is seen is not human, but because of Allah SWT. When you get a test or reproach, you actually stay calm, because the foundation of your charity has gone directly to Allah SWT and you only expect rewards from Him. The event ended with a prayer and raffle as well as the distribution of door prizes in the form of bicycles, batik packages, Tabanas Bank BTN, fans, refrigerators and various other door prizes. (Madina / zam)
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