Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unesa held Halalbihalal at the Slamet Haryono FMIPA Auditorium on Tuesday (25/05/2021). The event which was held in a hybrid manner was attended by the entire academic community of FMIPA.
The theme raised was "The Spirit of Togetherness in Interpreting 1442 H Eid in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic Condition". The annual activity began with the recitation of the holy Qur'an by Muhammad Syauqi, 1st winner in the East Java MTQ competition from the Mathematics Department. Then the chanting of prayers and continued with tausiah by Dr. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A.
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unesa, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., in his speech explained, although this year's halalbihalal was held offline and online, it did not diminish the meaning and blessings of these activities. "We use this togetherness to mutually improve the quality and productivity of performance, so that this activity has a meaning to forgive each other. People who are lucky are those who can balance the relationship with Allah SWT and the relationship with humans, "said Madlazim.
Muhammad Turhan in his tausiahn said that the spirit of togetherness must be possessed by every human being. He reminded that the spirit of togetherness will lead to happiness. "If togetherness is based on Allah SWT, togetherness is what will increase a person's degree," he said.
Turhan continued, the spirit of togetherness will create synergy between humans and will give blessings to every human being who does it. "Through this halalbihalal momentum, let us give up what we have done to other people, open the door to forgiveness for everyone. "That's why we are taught to say minal aidzin wal faidzin, hopefully Allah SWT will always give us victory on this fitri day," he concluded. The Halalbihalal activity was closed with reciting prayers together. (Nov / zam)
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