Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) discussed higher education transformation strategies with the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Wamendikti Saintek), Fauzan in a Focus Group Discussion ( FGD) in the 11th floor Auditorium, Rectorate, Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Saturday, December 7 2024.
In the FGD entitled 'Transformation of Higher Education to Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045,' the professor or professor in education at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) emphasized the importance of revitalizing the role of higher education in Indonesia in realizing national development targets.
There are at least five development targets economy through preparing human resources through education. First, reducing poverty rates. Second, food self-sufficiency. Third, energy self-sufficiency. Fourth, subsidies are right on target, and. Fifth, downstream commodities.
In realizing the target Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen human resources which are also the locomotive towards a Golden Indonesia 2045. The expected superior human resources can only be realized and prepared through the provision of quality education.
In its implementation, higher education institutions in Indonesia face a number of challenges that must be addressed. The strategy is together, namely the challenges of research funding, job opportunities for university graduates, science and technology talent, regulations and policies, and link and match between higher education and the world of business and industry (dudi).
Therefore, it is necessary revitalization is carried out which includes governance tridharma of higher education (education, research and community service), and institutional governance.
"Tridarma governance also includes 4-7 years of study time, optimization of idle periods, and competency skills that need to be of common concern . "In essence, this revitalization is related to improving the quality of teaching, service and innovation that has an impact on society," he said.
Meanwhile, institutional governance includes HR aspects through improving the quality and skilling of alumni. Apart from that, it is also through increasing income generating by downstreaming research and business units.

GAYA CAK HASAN: UNESA leadership and community members together with the Deputy Minister of Education and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
This activity was attended by all levels of leadership universities, deans, deputy deans, directors, heads of institutions, and UNESA environment coordinators. Deputy Chancellor II UNESA, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, in his speech said that UNESA as one of the universities which is committed to contributing to the progress and transformation of higher education in Indonesia
"We hope that today's discussion forum will become a strategic momentum for produce reconstructive recommendations, both for UNESA and the Indonesian people, as well as for the benefit of humanity," said the curriculum and educational technology expert.
Furthermore, Deputy Chancellor IV UNESA, Martadi, also conveyed what in harmony, that UNESA wants to contribute fully to the various problems of the Indonesian nation.
The UNESA education expert hopes that through this FGD, UNESA can gain insight into the direction of higher education policy transformation which can become a reference in developing strategic programs in in 2025. "We also hope that Prof Fauzan can share his experiences in his career, especially when he was Chancellor of UMM," he added.
Reporter: Dede Rahayu Adiningtyas (FIP), Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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