The 2024 national petanque trainer training by FOPI and UNESA was attended by dozens of trainers from various regions.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Coaches play an important role in the progress of sports. Therefore, their abilities must continue to be developed, one of which is through training as carried out by the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI) and Surabaya State University (UNESA) on 13 -15 November 2024.
National level petanque trainer training in 2024 which was attended by dozens of petanque trainers from various regions and was held at the Joint Lecture Building, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya.
The chief executive, Ibrahim Sembiring, secretary of FOPI North Sumatra, said that this training was part of a commitment to improve the quality of trainer resources to improve petanque achievements on the international stage.
He added that the aim of this trainer training event was to create more human resources through quality coaches, especially in the sport of petanque.
“The aim of this event is none other than to increase coach resources in order to produce quality seeds (athletes). "In the hands of the coach, the country's talented young talents are educated, nurtured and developed so that they become Indonesia's mainstay in various competitions," he said.
He hopes that by holding this coaching training there will be more qualified petanque coaches, and able to make Indonesia proud through achievements at the world level.
This three-day event prioritizes strengthening the Pancasila character in Indonesian sports people and the petanque branch by I Wayan Yamadhiputra, developing mental training patterns by Rachman Widohardhono.

This three-day training program is an effort by FOPI and UNESA to improve the achievements of Indonesian petanque at the international level.
Next, there is analysisgolden age petanque sport based on LTAD by Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, and petanque training methodology with Ibrahim Sembiring.
Continued development of physical training patterns by Nurkholis and development and rules of petanque by Kholil, which ended with a post-test. On the final day, there will be independent assignments to trainers who are taking part in the training.
The petanque training instructor and Secretary General of FB FOPI, I Wayan Yamadhiputra, reminded all the trainers present in the room to continue to prioritize sportsmanship and always be involved. agreement between each other; both with fellow coaches and athletes. "The main point of the petanque game is agreement," he said.
The petanque coach from West Papua, Syahrir, expressed his enthusiasm because it was his first time taking part in this training. Even though the number of trainers is still small, according to Syahrir, the sport of petanque must continue to be socialized to the public, especially in West Papua.
“In my opinion, this sport of petanque has its advantages, namely the sense of family in it. "Nevertheless, this sport needs to have more trainers," he said.
With this trainer training upgrade, Syahrir hopes that there will be further development regarding trainer training and work programs. This trainer from West Papua also added that this training should not stop at level one.
"I hope, if possible, this will not be the last, meaning there will be continuous development. "If this is level 1 and national, maybe later there will be level 2, level 3. Even if it can be done internationally, so that we have legality," he added.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (internship)Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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