Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—A total of 255 undergraduate students and 18 postgraduate students have passed and are entitled to hold academic degrees at the 107th Yudisium, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) in Building D1, FMIPA, Ketintang Campus, Wednesday (30/8/2023).
Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Sc., on that occasion emphasized that there must be differences both in terms of attitudes, thoughts and abilities between educated and uneducated people. Every behavior of a person who has a degree must have value and have a positive impact on society.
“You must be optimistic about the future. Although on the one hand many jobs have been replaced by technology, on the other hand there have been many opportunities and new jobs that must be utilized through the knowledge learned so far," he said.
He added, no knowledge learned is wasted -drain. Like the theory of an inclined plane, for example, which can be used to move goods to a higher place by lengthening the distance so that the required force is not too large.
“Just like achieving a goal, it cannot be achieved instantly. It requires a long process so that it can achieve the desired goal. With the knowledge learned so far, we are sure that FMIPA graduates can become great and proud people," he said.
As for the best judges in the field of education for FMIPA this period, namely, Kuhrota A'yunin from Chemistry Education with GPA 3, 93; Rania Afifah Nurul Izzah from Mathematics Education with a GPA of 3.92; and Mochammad Danu Defansyah from Science Education with a GPA of 3.92.
While in the non-educational field, namely Syananda Zahra Fadila from Chemistry with a GPA of 3.95; Putri Rosfiana Dewi from Biology with a GPA of 3.87; and Mohammad Arif Rahmatulloh from Physics with a GPA 3.86. They received an award from the faculty.
In addition, awards were also given to the best non-academic judges. They were Mohd. Zaidi Bin Amiruddin from Physics Education with TKM score of 12,998; Khoirun Nisa from Physics Education with TKM score of 7,460, and Shendy Adhitama from Biology with TKM 5,955. The best Postgraduate student was awarded Oktavia Damayanti from Science Education with a GPA of 3.96. [*]
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Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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