Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-After going through and completing various series of studies, finally, as many as 170 students of the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) attended the graduation on Thursday (22/7/2021). The 2nd Period Yudisium event in 2021 was held virtually with the theme "Developing Professional, Competitive, Independent, and Moral Skilled Generation".
The graduation participants consisted of three study programs with details, 77 students from S-1 Physical Education, Health & Recreation, 56 students from S-1 Sports Coaching Education and S-1 Sports Sciences with 37 students.
All faculty leaders, heads of study programs, members of the senate, and lecturers around the faculty, as well as judiciary and parents attended the procession of the event. Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) Unesa Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, M.Kes., first congratulated all participants who had struggled to complete their education.
"Congratulations to all, hopefully the knowledge will be useful for the community," he said. "This is not the end, but the beginning of the process and the real struggle, don't stop learning and keep improving your skills and competencies wherever you are," he said.
In this graduation, three outstanding students were announced at the department and faculty level. There was Muhammad Labib Siena Ar-Rasyid with a 3.84 GPA from Sports Coaching Education, Intan Cahyaningtyas with a 3.83 GPA from Physical Education, Health and Recreation, and Ganes Candra Eka Paksi with a 3.80 GPA from Sports Science.
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FIO Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd., in his speech said that there are five keys to success that must be considered. Know the direction and purpose of life, believe in your own abilities, learn for life, dare to take decisions or take risks, the last thing is to enjoy life and always be grateful for what you have achieved.
"Don't be afraid to face various problems because the closer we get to our goals, the more serious the problems we will experience. Rest assured that every problem has a lesson that will make us more mature," he said, quoting General Sudirman.
In addition, the Academic Advisory Lecturer Dr. Imam Syafi'i, M.Kes., in his speech said that the challenges that will be faced by judiciary are different from those in lectures so that the Imam provides tips to face these challenges. "Adaptation, creativity and innovation to be able to produce works, and never give up, and promote moral values are the keys," he said.
Muhammad Labib Siena Ar-Rasyid as the best graduate of the Faculty of Sports Science, representing other judiciary, expressed his gratitude to the entire academic community around FIO who have helped through all the twists and turns of the study. "Thank you for all that is given and hopefully this will be a blessing and useful for the community and the nation," he said.
Labib also hopes that the title he has obtained can be useful for the community so that the responsibility of the judiciary increases. According to him, getting a bachelor's degree is difficult, but also hard to carry. Responsibilities increase and demands increase. "Challenges await, this nation has called and the people out there have been waiting for our contributions and benefits," he said. "Friends in arms, see you at the gate of success," he concluded, motivating. (Esti)
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