Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Focus Group Discussion (FGD) held by the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) at the Vasa Hotel Surabaya on Thursday evening, 26 October 2023 discussed the optimization of UNESA's institutions and resources as PTN-BH.
As resource persons, two experts were present, namely, Dr. Mohammad Sofwan Effendi, M.Ed., from Jakarta State University (UNJ) and Director of Human Resources at the Directorate General of Higher Education, and Prof. Dr., rer., nat., Abdul Haris Deputy Chancellor 1, University of Indonesia.
Mohammad Sofwan conveyed regulatory aspects related to lecturers in higher education. According to him, the recently signed ASN Law has two articles which explicitly state that all government work units can only be staffed with ASN.
In other words, all employees in government work units must be Civil Servants (PNS) or Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK). Apart from that, there is also integration of credit numbers.
In this management, there are three layers involved. First, the Ministry layer as the top layer. Second, higher education institutions are given delegated authority to manage lecturers, including regeneration. Third, the lecturer layer, the aim is for lecturers to focus on the tridharma of higher education.
Changes in the performance assessment of lecturers, especially for those who are civil servants. Currently, the assessment appears to focus on academic performance. However, based on the talent management that will be issued, the assessment will change.
"In this new system, assessment will not only cover substantive aspects (such as academic performance), but also non-substantial aspects such as discipline and honesty "This is part of efforts to create a more comprehensive and balanced Employee Performance System (SKP)," he said.
Prof Abdul Haris on that occasion he conveyed tips for achieving targets for PTN-BH universities to become top global campuses. According to him, there are three basic points that need to be considered.
First, reputation, which is the opinion of other people about a university. Second, branding is carried out by higher education institutions to explain completely and completely about their campus.
Third, reputation management which is a professional process in communicating the brand and working with stakeholders to improve the agency's reputation.
Abdul Haris further explained six important things for PTN-BH to achieve top global universities. First, the global alliance, a partnership with strategic and leading industries that is active for higher education change.
Second, global SDGs which shows the active involvement of universities with main partners in SDGS activities which is proof of participation.
Third, global innovation, which requires an agency to innovate with cross-sector partners on new programs. Fourth, global research, where every university needs to publish research with high impact in all major fields and sectors.
Fifth, global participation must be carried out by universities to display expertise through collaboration around main topics of interest. And the last one is global mobility which emphasizes that each campus must facilitate and support all its elements when pursuing an academic career abroad.
"The six things above will be more optimal if supported by ten factors that can influence a campus to achieve and be equal in the scope of top global universities," he said.
The ten things in question are, namely, quality of research, quality of students and graduates, partnering or collaborating with foreign universities, quality of activities or conferences, university world rankings, quality of facilities, national or domestic rankings.
Apart from that, you also need experience in partner partnerships, university's subject rank, and word of mouth from friends/colleagues. This activity was attended by the chancellor and vice chancellors and their staff, deans, directors, heads of institutions and lecturers around UNESA.[]
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Reporter: Sindy Riska/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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