The 9th Mandarin Festival was packed with various activities to strengthen Mandarin language and culture which were attended by participants from among students and university students.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA — The Confucius Institute (CI) Surabaya State University (UNESA) together with the Mandarin Language Education Study Program Student Association (HMP) will again hold the 9th Mandarin Festival on Saturday, 12 October 2024, at the T2 Auditorium of the UNESA Faculty of Languages and Arts.
This event is part of the UNESA Faculty of Languages and Arts' Language Month Festival series. The festival with the theme "Combination Beautiful Future" aims to explore and develop the potential of the young generation in mastering Mandarin.
The Director of CI UNESA, Sueb, stated that October is a special month to celebrate the importance of language, especially because it coincides with with the Youth Pledge, one of the important points of which is about language. "This month is the right time to celebrate language, because language is the glue that holds our unity as a nation," he said.
Language month can be interpreted as an effort to strengthen Indonesian as a unified or main language, strengthening the preservation of regional languages, and encouraging the mastery of foreign languages, one of which is Mandarin.
He continued, CI continues to strengthen its contribution in developing students' interest and talent in Mandarin language and culture, while hoping that more achievements will be achieved.
This festival is filled with various competitions and activities seminar attended by junior high school students, high school equivalents throughout East Java, and universities throughout Indonesia. Competitions are held online and offline.
The online competition will take place from July 3 to September 11 2024 in the categories of composition, choir, speech and dance, attended by students from various universities in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the offline competition will be held on October 12 2024 in the categories of speech, dance and singing, which will be participated by middle and high school students of all levels. East Java.
Miftachul Amri, Coordinator of the UNESA Mandarin Study Program, stated that this offline competition activity was attended by around 135 participants. "We hope that this activity can be sustainable and become a platform for further development in the future," he said.
Apart from the competition, this event also presents a seminar "Sharing Session on Mandarin Learning: Challenges and Opportunities" by presenting three speakers . Qurrota A'yun, one of the speakers, shared the story of his journey in learning Mandarin and the reasons for his interest in learning this language.

Leader of CI UNESA, Mandarin Study Program, partners, resource persons, committee and representatives of Mandarin Festival participants.
“For me, opportunity reigns Mandarin is huge, especially in the world of work. The language is widely spoken throughout the world, and Chinese-related businesses continue to grow rapidly. "The challenges are there, but with consistency and a willingness to learn, I feel ready to face them," explained Qurrota.
The second speaker, Ma Xiao Lei, explained the great opportunities open for Indonesian students to study in China. The third speaker, Lathifatun Munnawaroh, from SMA Darussalam Banyuwangi, shared his experience teaching Mandarin at Islamic boarding schools.
It is hoped that the 9th Mandarin Festival can continue to be a forum for the younger generation to develop Mandarin language skills and expand learning opportunities. career in the international world.[]
Reporters: Retno Nurus Solekhah (Fisipol), and Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam* < /p>
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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