Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–A total of 247 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNESA successfully completed their studies and participated in the 2021 Yudisium Period II on Thursday (15/07/2021). The event, which was held online, was attended by the dean, the ranks of vice deans, the chair and secretary of the department, the head of study programs, the head of the laboratory, the ranks of the senate and professors around the faculty.
The number of graduates of the judiciary are graduates from various study programs with details of 22 students in S-1 Economics Education, 32 students in S-1 Accounting Administration Education, 37 S-1 Office Administration students, and 12 S-1 Business Administration Education college student. In addition, 40 students from S-1 Management, 38 students from S-1 Accounting, 1 D-3 Accounting student, 17 S-1 students in Islamic Economics, and 18 students from S-1 Economics.
Dean of FEB UNESA Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si expressed his congratulations and appreciation to all graduates who have successfully completed their studies and achieved the best achievements so that they meet the requirements to become Associate Experts in Accounting (A.Md), Bachelor of Education (S.Pd), Bachelor of Accounting (S.Ak), Bachelor of Management (SM) and Bachelor of Economics (SE).
Anang said that these successes and achievements were not the end of the journey, but instead became a starting point for treading a higher career ladder, whether it was as a professional, entrepreneur, consultant or other profession. "For that, keep learning and developing yourself so that your CV portfolio continues to be updated and upgraded so that there is no gap (distance, ed) between the skills you have and the demands of the world of work," he motivated.
He continued, the current Covid-19 pandemic is a warming momentum or trial for the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is marked by flexibility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. All of this has implications for shifting skills needed in the world of work, business and business. "Therefore, FEB graduates must be ready to collaborate and innovate and continue to develop skills and competencies to be able to adapt and compete in all situations," he said.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FEB Susi Handayani, S.E., M.Ak., CA announced the best graduates in the academic field at the faculty level. There is Yohana Paramita from S-1 Economics Education with a GPA of 3.87, Mia Wahyu Nuraini with a GPA of 3.80 from the Department of Management, from the Department of Accounting, Joko Santoso with a GPA of 3.71, and Muhammad Rizqi Bahrul Amin with a GPA of 3.85 from the Department of Economics.
Meanwhile, the best graduates at the study program level include Purnamawati Setyo Puji with a GPA of 3.83 in the S-1 Accounting Education study program, Anang Bayu Mustiko with a GPA of 3.71 from the S-1 Office Administration Education, Rika Dewi Apprilia with a GPA of 3.59 in S-1 Education Mila Amrina achieved his Commerce Administration and Master's Degree in Islamic Economics with a GPA of 3.69.
In the session of delivering impressions and messages, Joko Santoso, representing other judiciaries, said that the current challenges are quite complex and quite attention-grabbing. Nevertheless, the process of learning and self-development must continue. Because learning is a lifelong task. "What we get on campus is the initial capital to be the best and provide the best work for the community and nation," he said.
On behalf of his other friends, he expressed his deepest gratitude to all faculty officials, lecturers and education staff who have educated and guided during his studies. He also expressed his deepest apologies to the entire faculty for any intentional or unintentional mistakes from the beginning to the end of the study. "Hopefully, the relationship will be maintained and we will continue to build collaborative and collaborative relationships for the good name and pride of the alma mater," he hoped. (QQ/zam)
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