This seminar presents a number of speakers from various campuses. Some focus on MSMEs and community economic activities, provisions for entering the world of business and industry, as well as research in the field of MSMEs.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Faculty of Economics and Business, Surabaya State University (FEB UNESA) in collaboration with Bank Indonesia held a seminar entitled 'Bank Indonesia Institute Brown Bag Seminar Goes to Campus' at Auditorium G6, 3rd floor FEB, UNESA Campus 1 Ketintang, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 .
The activity attended by FEB students carried the theme 'Digitizing Payments and Performance Optimization of MSMEs in Indonesia'.
Dean of FEB UNESA, Anang Kistyanto in His speech conveyed that in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all business units and enterprises experienced negative impacts, including MSMEs in Indonesia.
Some of these impacts include the adaptability of MSMEs to the implementation of digitalization, including digital payments, which is still very lacking. .
This need is now a necessity, which is why seminar activities like this are important to be held as a means of education about digital financial literacy, including all forms of payment methods that are widely used today.
“Kerja It is important to strengthen the relationship between FEB UNESA and BI, which has been established for a long time, and this time the focus is to provide education to MSME players. "This is of course important for students to provide knowledge as well as competence," he said.
In the discussion session, a number of lecturers were present as speakers, Tony Seno Aji from UNESA, Wildan Syafitri from Brawijaya University Malang, and Nurul Hasanah Uswati Dewi as UHW Perbanas Surabaya.
Tony Seno Aji said that internet users in Indonesia are increasing from time to time, this has an impact on demands for digitalization in all aspects, including economic activity, business behavior and society.
“The use of the internet will have an impact on people's behavior and the economy as well as every activity. "Currently there are 30.2 million MSMEs that use QRIS and 55% of them are in the micro category," he said.

Lecturers and students from around FEB attended this activity. Apart from insight, students also received provisions important in preparing the final assignment or thesis from the speakers.
According to him, the high rate of payment usage digital is a good symptom of society's economic growth, which needs to be accompanied by education about financial management, digital security, etc.
Wildan Syafitri from UB on that occasion highlighted the importance of having a basic knowledge before starting a business . One thing that needs to be known is market behavior, where many of the factors that determine prices are determined by them.
“Even though we create businesses and produce goods and services, the prices are not determined by us, but by the market. "In the sense, the type of business and its prices are adjusted to the needs of the market or community that is our segmentation," he said.
In the next session, Nurul Hasanah shared knowledge about research according to the theme of the seminar. He said that if you carry out research using a survey method, adjustments will need to be made regarding the data.
In this research, Nurul Hasanah conducted a discussion regarding the research instrument with the object that will be used as research, namely the head of the breeder and entrepreneur association.
p>This research model has data problems so it is necessary to meet with breeders one-on-one and this is included in the research recommendations.
"Actually, what is presented in this article is one of the data presented . "One of the things conveyed in this article is that farmers cannot make digital payments so they send fake proof of payment," he explained.
Additionally, this activity was also packaged in the form of a research journal review from BI on agriculture which was shown for FEB UNESA students, especially 7th semester students who are starting to work on their thesis. The aim is to help and make it easier for 7th semester FEB students to complete their theses.
Bachelor of Economics student, Ririn Wulandari, said that this activity was important for her. He can know how to determine objects, ideas, and what kind of data to collect so that it can be more accurate.
He felt very helpful because the research taken was in line with the research discussed in this socialization, namely about the development of MSMEs "I "I can get new insights that I couldn't get during lectures," he said.[]
Reporter: Retno Nurus Solekhah (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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