Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs (right) together with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (left) cut the ribbon, a symbol of the launch of the FT business unit witnessed by the entire UNESA community.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA— Faculty of Engineering (FT) Surabaya State University (UNESA) launched four business units in the series of Faculty of Engineering Technology Week in Building A9, UNESA, Ketintang Campus, on Saturday, September 28 2024. The launch was attended by the leadership and community members of UNESA. a form of commitment to improving the business ecosystem and campus innovation.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Suparji explained that there were four business units launched this time, namely Boganesa, Glownesa, Fashionesa, and Boponesa. The professor at the Faculty of Engineering detailed that Boganesa is a service for consumption needs for events, meetings and other activities organized by internal and external campuses.
Then, Glownesa is a hair and beauty salon business for anyone who wants to do treatments such as make up, basic spa, hair care, and basic facials. Next there is Fashionesa, a trademark developed for commercial purposes at the UNESA Fashion Design Education Undergraduate Study Program.

UNESA leaders and directors explore the products and work of UNESA FT students and lecturers.
“This brand functions as a means "publication, promotion and marketing for fashion works produced by lecturers and students of the UNESA Fashion Design Education study program," he said.
Apart from that, Fashionesa also offers non-formal education services in the form of courses in the field of fashion design, such as pattern making, sewing, draping, crafts, and accessories. Not only that, Fashionesa also accepts custom made orders, including uniforms, gifts, hand bouquets, and other products.
Furthermore, there is the Boponesa Motorcycle Workshop which provides injection/non-injection services, changing tires, changing oil, replace batteries, replace spare parts, even scan the injection system.
"These four business units are a means of innovation to develop various campus-made products and open up opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internship programs," he said.

Boponesa Motorcycle Workshop which is ready to serve the various needs of the two-wheeled vehicles of the community and the local community.
By unit In this business, students not only learn theory, but can also dive straight into the industrial world through this business unit, which also provides the opportunity to hone their skills and expand their professional network.
Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs , Madlazim said that the launch of these four business units was a positive step that was very beneficial for students.
This is in line with UNESA's change in vision after becoming a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH), namely to become an educational university that is strong, innovative, adaptive and oriented towards entrepreneurship.
"Therefore, entrepreneurship is not only taught in theory, but also applied directly through practice. "This business unit provides an opportunity for students, especially in the Faculty of Engineering, to apply the entrepreneurship theories they have learned," he said.

The peak of Technology Week for the Faculty of Engineering started with a healthy walk together with all UNESA leadership and community members.
Professor FMIPA continued, this business unit is a great opportunity for students to apply the technology they have learned and develop it into a business that society needs.
In the long term, UNESA plans to support other faculties to build more business units . Each faculty is encouraged to be able to produce innovations and products that are marketable and of course have an impact on society.
In addition, apart from launching business units, the Faculty of Engineering Technology Week presents a number of other activities, starting from public lectures, lab competitions , open house lab, healthy exercise, technology exhibition, bazaar, and even a healthy walk.[]
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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