Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Engineering (FT), Surabaya State University (UNESA) invites QSCert Indonesia to provide training related to Occupational Safety and Health (K3) UNESA FT Laboratory, Building E1, Floor 3, Campus I Ketintang , Wednesday, January 31 2024.
This activity was attended by the head of the laboratory, laboratory assistants and laboratory technicians around the FT UNESA. Also present were the FT leadership and the study program coordinators. On that occasion, the Director of QSCert Indonesia who was also a training resource, Ir. Arief Syawaldi with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., signed the cooperation agreement (MoA) between Unesa and QSCert.
Chair of the committee, Dr. Ir. Soeparno, M.T., explained that the aim of this activity was to improve the competence of sublab heads, laboratory assistants and technicians in the field of K3, especially for laboratories. He hopes that the participants can implement what they have learned in their respective labs.
He emphasized that accidents have the potential to occur in laboratories so that the entire academic community must understand K3, how to carry out identification and how to prevent them.

Dean of FT, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., added that this collaboration and training was to carry out the mandate of Law 1/1970 concerning Work Safety. Work safety must be strictly considered in all workplaces, whether on land, in the ground, on water surfaces or in the air, whether closed or open.
"Prevention and control of occupational hazards and diseases is important for workers through a system occupational safety and health management. "Moreover, in the future the FT laboratory will be used for tests or for users in general," he explained.
Furthermore, K3 on campus for him is very important considering that campus life has a strong atmosphere related to practicums carried out by students in laboratories and work workshops. . "That's where students will carry out work according to what the lecturer has assigned, so it is very necessary to maintain K3 in the laboratory environment," he added.
FT UNESA is committed to increasing the competence of lecturers and lab or workshop managers by implementing the training and collaborate with QSCert Indonesia.

QSCert is an international certification body headquartered in Slovakia which has a good K3 reputation. The MoA between both parties is contained in the consuls' memorandum of agreement implemented by the academic community.
"With this MoA we hope to provide several competency improvements for human resources involved in laboratories or workshops within the FT UNESA environment" he said.
Ir. Arief Syawaldi on this occasion explained K3 material covering regulations, hazard identification, emergency response, PPE, lab waste processing, and accident prevention strategies.
The man from Bekasi said that the accident prevention strategy consists of three important things including: (1) human approach (human control) such as improving K3 skills, knowledge and culture, forming an K3 committee and regular supervision.
Furthermore, (2) technical approach (engineering control) such as inspection and maintenance of facilities, technology development, and installing safety equipment. And (3) administration and organization (adm procedures) including creating and implementing K3 procedures to forming an K3 handling organization.[]
Reporter : Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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