Surabaya State University (UNESA) Faculty of Law (FH) building located on Campus 1 Ketintang, Surabaya.
Unesa., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) has two new faculties this year, one of which is the Faculty of Law. This faculty started from the Legal Sciences study program which is based in the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH).
After becoming a legal entity university (PTN-BH), UNESA made the Law study program a separate faculty this year. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) became the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol).
The Dean of the UNESA Faculty of Law, Arinto Nugroho, S.Pd, SH, M.H said that the pioneering formation of the UNESA Faculty of Law actually started since 2009. At that time, UNESA started by opening a Legal Studies study program.
"Thanks to the hard work and collaboration of all parties, the Faculty of Law was finally officially established on April 5 2024, or 15 years since the legal studies study program was initiated, ” he said.
The establishment of a Faculty of Law is not easy and must go through a complex administrative process and strict assessment from the government. Among the things that are assessed are the number of students, the quality of human resources and infrastructure.
The uniqueness of the UNESA Faculty of Law
The UNESA Faculty of Law carries the concept of a curriculum that is responsive to global developments . The adoption of a curriculum that focuses on contemporary legal needs will be a distinctive characteristic for FH UNESA.
The Dean of FH said that FH UNESA is different from other campus law faculties. The substantial difference, FH UNESA lies in its integrated approach to sports law. "We chose a sports field that not many other universities have as our characteristic," he emphasized.
The uniqueness of this special course provides a solid foundation for students to understand the rules and dynamics in the world of sports. For example, everything from sponsorship contracts to doping abuse will become part of the legal dimension in the sports industry holistically.
This is a unique contribution from FH UNESA to the map of legal education in Indonesia. "Sports law is one of the concentrations in the Master of Laws program which will be studied more specifically," he explained.
Currently, FH UNESA has two study programs, namely one undergraduate study program (S-1 Law), and one master's level study program (Master of Laws). As a new faculty, FH UNESA continues to develop. One of them is by opening new study programs, namely Bachelor of Business Law and Master of Notary Affairs.
"This step is a response to market demand and the need for skilled professionals in these special fields," he explained. .
Meanwhile, the learning process at FH Unesa is not only carried out in the classroom, but also involves real and applied experiences.
Orientation and Prospects
With PLKH practice, students are introduced to the reality of courts and the justice system. So, not just learning from dry texts, but rather feeling and understanding the legal process directly.
Apart from that, FH often collaborates with practitioners such as advocates, prosecutors and others who will share their practical knowledge with the students. student. Collaboration with practitioners is useful for opening the door for students to gain broader and deeper insight into legal realities in the field.
Not only that, FH UNESA also provides opportunities for students to study outside campus through internships and independent projects .
Regarding graduates, Arianto said that UNESA FH is not only limited to conventional professions such as judges and prosecutors, but is also in demand in various sectors, both from government and companies.
The Dean emphasized, UNESA FH graduates not only become legal experts in court, but also become part of leading institutions, both at national and international levels.
"We see that every institution, regardless of sector, requires the presence of experts law to manage various legal problems that arise," he said.
With an ever-increasing reputation and extensive network, graduates of the UNESA Faculty of Law certainly have very bright career prospects. FH graduates can become law enforcers and become legal consultants in multinational companies.[]
Reporter: Prisma Cintyarachmatica (FBS)
Editor: @ zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team Documentation
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