Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Kartini's spirit never fades with the times. Her values and struggles were voiced out loud and even inspired the birth of today's Kartini-Kartini. Regarding Kartini, emancipation and the role of generations are central issues discussed by the speakers in the webinar organized by the Feminism Bureau of the Ministry of Social Politics, BEM FISH UNESA on Sunday, April 24, 2022.
The supervisor of the BEM FISH Ormawa, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, S.H., M.H., stated that this kind of activity needs to be appreciated. Issues and issues regarding the inequality of roles and positions between women and men must continue to be raised and voiced together, especially on the momentum of Kartini Day. "There is no superior between men and women," he said.
Referring to Kartini's struggle, he continued, many set an example for the next generation. One of the examples that generations can follow is his high interest in reading so that he can produce sharp reflections through his writings or letters. This is what actually breaks down the walls of women's restraints and becomes an inspiration for emancipation in the country. "Besides reading, of course, Kartini does a lot. There are also many things we can do to continue the struggle today," he explained.
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FISH, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, S. Pd., M. Pd., stated that women must truly be freed from the authority and control of men. Not only in the household but also in the economic, social and political spheres where there are still many things that need to be fought for. In developing countries, the dominance of men over women is still high, one of which is in Africa.
There are still many women who take care of the house rather than being involved in the economic sector. In developed countries, where the industrial sector is very developed, it turns out that the paradox of women's emancipation has emerged. In France, for example, the emancipation of women there is considered to have exceeded the limit, there has been a movement of women who refuse to give birth or refuse to marry because they are considered to be disturbing their lives.
Lena Hanifah, P.hD., Lecturer of Law at Lambung Mangkurat University explained that women are always surrounded by questions, especially doubts about their future. Historically, Kartini's emancipation began with the emergence of ethical politics in the Dutch East Indies, so that Kartini was able to experience a little education at that time. This is inseparable from his family who is a noble, while down there the common people still cannot experience education.
Even though Kartini herself has the privilege of being a noble's daughter, she still feels the limitations of access to education. Another thing that Kartini faced was discrimination wrapped in the traditions and culture of the people at that time, such as forced marriages, inequality of rights and obligations in marriage and polygamy. "Women and men are indeed equal, but they cannot be treated the same, this is because women's problems and biology are different from men's," he explained.
The founder of Ibu Sekolah Lagi added that many people or parties tend to underestimate Kartini's struggle because she did not fight directly on the battlefield like other female fighters. There is no need to doubt Kartini's struggle, because Kartini fought in another dimension, namely in the issues she was fighting, so that with her struggle she was able to inspire other women.
"The spirit of women's emancipation voiced by Kartini has also inspired Indonesian women to always work and play a role in the progress of the nation. Through her writings, struggles, thoughts and way of life, the figure of Kartini left a special meaning for Indonesian women," said Rinda Rachmawati, S. Pd., as Founder of Puan Cilacap.
Part of Kartini's fighting spirit, women's empowerment must be a concern. Women must empower each other and strengthen each other in working and contributing to the country. "There are many traces of present-day Kartini who can be role models, there are those who are fighters for the family economy, playing a role in politics, education fighters to MSMEs. Women must be smart and empowered. Of course it has a role in society, nation and state," he concluded.
Muhammad A. Na'im as the Head of BEM FISH stated that this activity must be carried out, because many people still forget the services of women and have not yet received their rights. “Women are always number two, including in politics. Even though women have the same rights as men, even modernization has sometimes cornered women, so BEM FISH seeks to raise the issue of women's emancipation, especially as a spirit builder for the younger generation, one of which is through today's webinar," he said. (UNESA PR)
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam*
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