Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – State University of Surabaya held a National Health Webinar with the theme "Fresh, Healthy Mind and Body in New Life Adaptation Period" on Saturday (14/11) via zoom meeting and Youtube. The webinar which was attended by 760 participants was held in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary of Unesa, presenting three speakers, dr. A. Andi Kurniawan, Sp.KO from SPPOI Eminence, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi, M.Si, a psychology lecturer at the State University of Surabaya, and Dyan P Rini S.Sos M.A as the founder of the Yuk Gerak Indonesia community.
Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. when giving a speech as well as opening the event, invited participants to stay healthy during the adaptation period of new life. "I invite all participants to stay healthy by actively exercising and always think positively. However, I also urge participants to pay attention to health protocols," said Sujarwanto.
According to the theme, dr. A. Andi Kurniawan, Sp.KO in his discussion gave tips on maintaining physical fitness in the era of adapting to new habits. Andi recommends physical exercise that should be done, which is aerobic exercise for 30 minutes with moderate intensity, five times a week or a total of 150 minutes per week. He also discussed about the importance of strength, flexibility, and balance training.
Furthermore, Andi also suggested the right exercise in the adaptation period for new habits, which of course, exercise that adheres to health protocols. Good exercise is in accordance with health conditions, right exercise is gradual, measurable exercise is the intensity of exercise that is in accordance with the training zone, regular exercise is carried out regularly 3-5 times per week," said the Sports Medicine Specialist.
Meanwhile, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi, M.Si, psychologist at Unesa conveyed how to build happiness in a new habit era. She said everyone has a risk of mental health problems, so age, gender, income or ethnicity doesn't matter. Therefore, Diana suggested to imagine positive things.
"Calm yourself by always imagining positive things happening, form a beautiful and positive picture of yourself, your life and your future in your mind," said Diana.
The Lecturer also gave tips on maintaining welfare in order to feel happy. "We need to express feelings, eat regularly, take time for ourselves, do something fun, accept ourselves as we are, exercise, care for others, help others, synergize, socialize with vibrant people, positive aura energy (emotional contagion), and avoid toxic people, "
On the same occasion, Dyan P Rini S. Sos MA invited participants to calculate how healthy their bodies were with 9 questions about how long the participants were in the plank position, how many days a week they exercised, how many push-ups they take, etc. Then, participants would count their points.
In addition, the Founder of Yuk Gerak Indonesia conveyed the impact on social values ��in sports. "Sports teaches us to respect each other, free from discrimination. Sport is the example of free medicine. Also, by exercising, we can unite education and culture,"
Ririn also conveyed the benefits of exercise. "When we exercise, we can increase our immunity, regulate body weight to avoid obesity, and have a good feeling effect," he explained.
Before ending the webinar, the founder of Yuk Gerak Indonesia invited participants to take part in the breathing and stretching movement, the participants were very enthusiastic about following the movements, because the most enthusiastic would get a shirt as a prize. (esti)
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