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Unesa.ac.id -Surabaya As a place for competency testing (TUK) the Department of English Language and Literature of FBS Surabaya State University held a competency test for Executive Administrative Assistant ( EAA) and the Tourist Guidedi campus of Tongue Wetan Unesa Surabaya Saturday (6/22).
Technically the competence of EAA and Tourist Guide is tested by certified examiners. Participants students 6-8 semester with details of EAA or professional administration of 20 participants and tour guides of 20 participants.
These two competencies are tested to provide opportunities for students who are competent in their fields to have competency certificates both EAA and Tour guide. "By having the competency certificate when looking for work they have better competitiveness" said the coordinator of the English Language and Literature TUK Pratiwi Retnaningdyah Ph.D.
Ahead of the examination the Dean of FBS Unesa Dr. Trisakti M.Sc took time to review the exam preparation. Accompanied by the vice dean of student affairs and alumni Syafiul Anam Ph.D the dean attended a briefing ( briefing ) with the coordinator of the English Language and Literature TUK.
Regarding the implementation of the competency test the dean said competency test in the Department of English Language and Literature needs to be appreciated. Because according to him this TUK held two competency schemes at once. "In the near future we will gather all study program leaders in the faculty to determine the scheme to be tested."
If the determination is not immediately made he continued it is feared that the situation will become more difficult in the future. Because the name of the competency test scheme can only intersect or be the same as other TUK even in one university. If a scheme name has already been owned it cannot be used anymore.
The competency test of the two schemes is going well and smoothly. In the observation there are no significant obstacles in the whole process of competency testing. "However in the future hopefully the competency test will be better and more successful" said Pratiwi hopefully.
Meanwhile the participants seemed happy with the opening of the opportunity to take the competency test. They appreciated Unesa for giving them the opportunity to take a competency test and the opportunity to have a competency certificate before graduating. (mk)
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