Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -The Student Association of Economics Education Department, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a PKM & KTI training on Saturday, March 19, 2022. The activity carried the theme 'Developing Critical, Creative, Innovative and Solutive Thinking Power of Students in Writing Works. Scientific'.
The activity which was attended by students from the State University of Surabaya and from outside the State University of Surabaya was attended by the Head of the Department, Dr. Luqman Hakim, S.Pd., M.Pd. The training is part of the department's agenda to provide space for students' self-development and critical thinking. "If students can implement it, new researchers and thinkers will be born whose work has an impact on the progress of science and the Indonesian nation," said Shafna Audya Paramitha Attahirah, Chief Executive.
According to him, students' abilities, including reasoning and writing, must continue to be honed through various activities and training. "This can foster students' interest and skills in writing scientific papers, given the decreasing interest of students in the field of PKM and scientific writing," said Yoga Sugiyantoro, Head of Hima Economics Education Department.
In writing PKM, students are required to understand the whole flow and stages based on the existing terms and conditions. “As much as possible the PKM idea should be interesting. Interesting can be seen from the impact and novelty. This will affect whether the proposed PKM is passed or not. The main focus in the process is to keep spreading the benefits and overcoming existing solutions,” said Mahmuda, one of the speakers.
In writing works for both PKM and KTI, there are many tips that can be used. One of them is ATM or observe, imitate and modify the previous best works. “If you write, of course you have to be based on existing guidelines. Make sure again that the writing idea is directly related to reality, the problems that exist in the surrounding environment, "explained Nurul Azizah, the next speaker.
Author: Nisvi
Editor: @zam*
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