Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - In carrying out managerial functions, principals and supervisors are required to develop their abilities in evaluating and writing scientific papers. In order to improve this capability, a team of lecturers in Education Management, Faculty of Education, UNESA, held training on evaluation and writing of scientific papers for school principals and supervisors at the Regional Coordinator for Education, Paiton District, Probolinggo Regency.
The training, which just ended in October 2021, was initiated by Ainur Rifqi, S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Nunuk Hariyati, M.Pd., Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., Supriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., together with the Korwil team for Education and assisted by several field officers.
The head of the implementing team, Ainur Rifqi, S.Pd., M.Pd., stated that the training was held in stages by targeting supervisors and school principals in the area. According to him, evaluation training is very important in encouraging the realization of innovation in the management of educational institutions in the regions. "A good and appropriate evaluation is an important foundation in carrying out various innovations in schools," he said.
The program evaluation research training activity was carried out in the form of providing theoretical material on the evaluation of educational programs. Then proceed with technical training and strategies that can be used in the evaluation of educational programs. In addition, it is also in the form of delivering material on the preparation of evaluation results into scientific papers that can be published in journals.
After giving the material, said Ainur Rifqi, the school supervisor and principal compiled a program evaluation in the format of a scientific paper. In this preparation, training participants are provided with regular assistance.
According to him, evaluation and scientific work are very important for school principals and supervisors in improving the quality of evaluation, innovation and reviving scientific culture in the educational environment.
The training, added the chairman of the PKM, is an effort of FIP UNESA in improving the quality of school principals and supervisors in carrying out their duties and functions as managerial, entrepreneurship development, supervision of teachers and education staff in their institutions. "We hope that there will be innovations in the regions in terms of the development and management of educational institutions," he hoped.
The follow-up of these activities was carried out by forming a WhatsApp group which functions to provide guidance and direction to the trainees in completing the training outcomes. The output of the training consists of the preparation of scientific articles and innovative school development modules based on research results. (UNESA PR)
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