Unesa.ac.id. Ning Umi Laila. This activity took place on the 6th Floor of the Rectorate of Campus 2 Unesa Tongue Wetan, on Thursday, March 20, 2025.
Unlike the usual routine meetings, the meeting that coincided with the fasting month was aimed at increasing the faith and devotion of DWP Unesa members. .
This was conveyed by the Chairperson of DWP UNESA, Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan in his remarks. He said, the activity of sharing love in the form of food packages given to security guards and janitors as an appreciation of their performance.
In addition there are also educational compensation given to some children from Unesa Non -Permanent Labor (TKTT).
"We are very grateful because you are all the spearheads of Unesa who ensure that the environment will remain safe and comfortable. Also hopefully this education compensation can be used as well as possible," he said.
accountability for four cases.
First, used for whether the age that Allah has given. Is it good or even bad. He asserted, do not let a servant not use his age well.
"Long life means thinking about how the usefulness of his life to do good as much as possible by sharing and praying for goodness for others," he explained.
Second, about the knowledge they have. At least if not a teacher or lecturer, can still share his knowledge by at least implementing experiences and insights in everyday life.
Easy to advise children with example. That is, his parents also do what is ordered, praying in congregation for example.
Third, charity deeds. Maintain relations with God and fellow human beings. Patience in carrying out commands and staying away from His prohibitions. Placing work as part of worship so that the tired is also counted reward. The last
about health. How a person uses his health while still alive in the world. Is it used for good or bad.
"Let's optimize Ramadan to educate and galvanize ourselves to be even better than before," invited Umi Laila in an event held with the theme 'Taking Wisdom in the Holy Month by Sharing' it. []
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS) Unesa Public Relations
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