Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Surabaya State University (Unesa) gave awards to ten of the best tertiary institutions, institutions or agencies in the world that participated Sports, unnesa-sporttric, in the main auditorium (auditum) of the UNESA Rectorate, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan , on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Donny Ardhy Kusuma, PIC Unesa-Sporttric said that the ranking initiated by Unesa was not limited to competition for achievement, but a way to strengthen commitment in developing sports in the field of sports and state resilience.
Rating ranking Sports is a way to improve the quality of life through strengthening collaboration between institutions in realizing a healthy and prosperous quality of life.
Sporttric is designed to evaluate holistic roles and impacts of sports in an institution while providing a structured approach for the university to improve programs and expand their influence.
Director of Innovation, Ren ratings, and Scientific Publications Unesa , Nadi Suprapto explained that ranking fields Sports become an effort to drive the advantage of UNESA so that it becomes a spirit and habitation for universities and other institutions in the world. Humans, science, technology, education, health, sports achievements, gender equality, strengthening women, people with disabilities, and cultural arts. run, in order to create a more inclusive, healthy, and cultured society, "hoped the national level lecturer.
representing Rector Unesa , Nurhasan or Cak Hasan, Deputy Rector III in the fields of research, innovation, ranking, publication and science center, Bambang Sigit Widodo said, there are several aspects assessed in This ranking, namely from the aspect of human resources, sports facilities, to programs and policies.
"Indonesia's progress is not only supported by economic development, but also through the potential and excellence of sports, arts-cultural, and disability. Hopefully this award will become a spirit for universities, and institutions to advance Indonesia, "he hoped. and external. The winners and recipients of awards in the ranking of UNESA-SportTric 2024 namely; 1) Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia; 2) Surabaya State University, Indonesia; 3) Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines.
Next, 4) Medan State University, Indonesia; 5) Cenderawasih University, Indonesia; 6) Mandalika Education University, Indonesia; 7) University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia; 8) Sports and Health College of Bina Guna, Indonesia; 9) STKIP PGRI Trenggalek, Indonesia; and 10) Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Indonesia.
In addition to the winner of the general category, Unesa also appreciated the winner of the Special Category of UNESA-SportTric 2024 as follows; 1) Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia, Top Human Resources Score; 2) Surabaya State University, Indonesia, Top Facility Score; 3) Cenderawasih University, Indonesia, Top Program Score;
Then, 4) Medan State University, Indonesia, Top University Policy Score; 5) Mariano Marcos State University, Phillipines, Top Community Services Score; 6) Mandalika Education University, Indonesia, Top Sport Activities Score; and 7) STKIP PGRI Trenggalek, Indonesia, Top Research and Innovation Score. [*]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS), and Mochammad JA 'Far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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