The Deputy Chancellor for Division III UNESA conveyed a number of reinforcements in the Refreshing Learning for Compulsory Curriculum Subjects (MKWK) agenda.
Unesa., SURABAYA—The Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held Refreshing Learning for Compulsory Curriculum Subjects (MKWK) to improve its implementation in the odd semester 2024/2025 on Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at the Rectorate Building , Campus 2 Tongue Wetan.
Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center, Bambang Sigit Widodo, said that the rapid development of technology means that educators in higher education must continue to adapt in learning activities in lectures.
No matter how advanced technology is in an era, he added, if the teaching model used by lecturers is mediocre or standard, it is not impossible that we will be left behind by other campuses that are more active and adaptive.
"If the teaching model is simply moving lectures from offline classes to online classes, then the results will be the same, nothing will change," he explained.
So in teaching, lecturers are required to actively study IT as well as possible in order to improve the character and quality of students. Apart from that, according to him, lecturers must adapt their teaching styles to contemporary students who are dominated by GenZ, this can be achieved through the implementation and improvement of MKWK.
In line with this, the Head of Learning Sub-Directorate, Belmawa Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dewi Wulandari said that Mata Compulsory Lectures The curriculum must be based on four main points.
The first is religion, where students are created as people who believe and are devoted to God Almighty, have noble morals and respect differences. The second is Pancasila, where lecturers can provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the ideology of the Indonesian nation.
UNESA leadership together with the ranks of the Directorate of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology (DTPTP).
Then what third is citizenship, in this case the lecturer gives students an understanding of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. At the same time, lecturers must also be a real presence in its implementation to form students who have a sense of pride and love for their homeland.
Then the fourth is Indonesian, at this point lecturers are required to be able to make students speak Indonesian fluently. good and correct in terms of speech and writing.
"From the four points in the implementation of MKWK we can insert the values of local wisdom, the dangers of drugs, moral decadence, defending the country, being sensitive to environmental sustainability, radicalism, as well as tax awareness and preventing corruption," he said.
Continuing this explanation, reviewer from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Epin Saepudin, said that the four points are mutually supportive and mutually supportive and are implemented independently and function to form dignified student character and civility.
On the other hand On the other hand, MKWK needs to be implemented through various methods, one of which is through Project Based Learning. This method uses problems as the first step in collecting and integrating new knowledge based on experience in real activities, as well as instilling collaboration and teamwork.
Furthermore, he said that project-based learning is now a learning method that demands activeness. student. This means that students must be active in identifying problems and answering questions. Meanwhile, teachers play more of a role as facilitators. (*)
Reporter: Putri Ayu Fatmawati (internship), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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