Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA---Institutional governance, including public relations and information services must continue to be improved, which is why Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information carried out benchmarking at Diponegoro University (Undip), Semarang on Thursday, 26 September 2024. < /p>
The UNESA delegation was welcomed by Undip Deputy Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Wijayanto; and Integrated Services and Public Relations Manager, Utami Setyowati; together with the ranks of the public relations, cooperation and public information services team.
UNESA Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, revealed the aims and objectives of the working visit in the context of sharing strengthening governance in the field of public relations and information services.
"In general, the duties and responsibilities of the public relations sector in higher education institutions are not much different. However, the dynamics of best practices and management strategies, including in handling crises, are definitely different," he said.
The UNESA Communication Science lecturer hopes that the Undip public relations experience gained in this sharing can strengthen the field of public relations and public information on the 'Home of Champions' campus.
Undip Deputy Chancellor IV, Wijayanto said that developments in the times, demands for digitalization and information technology require the public relations sector to be responsive, adaptive and transformative.
"In the past, communication from public institutions was only one way via radio, newspapers, magazines. Meanwhile, now, the communication model is fast and the public responds directly, they can comment there, even like or dislike," he explained.
In carrying out public relations duties and functions, Undip applies the principles of transparency, speed and accuracy. Including in handling crises. Undip Integrated Services and Public Relations Manager, Utami Setyowati explained that during a crisis, there are several approaches and strategies taken, including mapping the level of risk that a crisis could cause.
In implementing risk management, he continued, there are at least five important strategies, namely avoiding risk, reducing risk, holding risk, sharing risk, and transferring risk.
“That's what we are trying to do, either through social media content or press releases. We also optimize these two aspects to improve image and reputation. "We are pushing content involving leaders, profiling outstanding lecturers and students, including collaboration with influencers," he explained.
The UNESA benchmarking agenda was led by the Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Vinda Maya Setianingrum; accompanied by the Head of the Public Relations Section, Gilang Gusti Aji; and Head of the Public Information Section, Muh Ariffudin Islam; and his staff.[*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), and Sindy Riska Fadilah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam *
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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