- Development and Development SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) continues, in addition to the development of study programs, the addition and rejuvenation of infrastructure continues.
One of the newly completed is the construction of the new building 02, the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD), Faculty of Education (FIP ) .
The building located opposite the Laboratory of Merdeka Learning (Labmer) was inaugurated by the Chairman of the Council of Wali Amanat (MWA), Haris Supratno along with the Deputy Rector, Dean of FIP, and others, on Friday, January 31, 2025.
This new building is a symbol of a new spirit, so that the theme that is carried is "new spirit, new energy, together to work together to win PGSD Gemilang towards Indonesia Emas 2045."
Dean of FIP, Mochamad Nursalim said that the inaugurated building is a manifestation of new transformation and spirit to continue to improve the quality and service of education.
In addition, it can also be understood As a commitment to create a lecture and learning ecosystem that is comfortable for students.
"This building is expected not only to be a better physical means, but can also strengthen the spirit of student learning and encourage their achievements," he said.
Professor in the field of individual counseling added, with an integrated laboratory, this building allows the creation of a more efficient and innovative learning atmosphere. The new can be a comfortable place for the community, especially PGSD study programs in working, learning, and developing themselves.
"With the existence of better facilities, we hope that all parties can work together to achieve higher educational goals and support the realization of 2045 gold Indonesia," he hoped. [*]
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Source: fip.unesa.ac.id
Processing and Documentation: UNESA Public Relations Team
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