Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Directorate of the Center for Excellence in Arts and Culture and Music Arts Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) is holding the 2023 National Student Band Festival at the T2 Parking Lot, Lidah Campus Wetan, Surabaya on Saturday, November 11 2023. This activity is part of UNESA's 59th Anniversary celebration.
This activity was attended by 30 bands from various cities. They are junior high school, high school, vocational/MA students from various regions, starting from Yogyakarta, Bojonegoro, Lamongan, Nganjuk, Jombang, Blitar, Malang, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Surabaya to Jember.
This festival brought in three judges, namely Hata Arysatya, a musician and drummer for the Indra Lesmana Project (ILP), Tomy Agung Sugito, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a Music Lecturer, FBS, UNESA, and Aya Wijaya The Voice All Stars Indonesia 2019.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Warih Handayaningrum, M.Pd., as Head of the Arts Promotion Section, Directorate of the Center for Excellence in Arts and Culture, UNESA, said that this festival is a forum for participants to develop their talents and interests, as well as a pathway for those who wish to continue their education in the field of musical arts.
"Those who are involved in this activity can certainly get to know UNESA better, artistic talents can be discovered in the music study program through routes like this. "Participants can also find out that at UNESA there is a music arts study program so they no longer need to go all the way to cities outside East Java to study," he said.
Director of the Center for Excellence in Arts and Culture, Dr. Trisakti, M.Sc., hopes that this activity can become a space for appreciation of creation and innovation for students and aims to foster their love of art, especially music.
The winner of this competition is determined by 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, favorite winner, and best player (vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard, drums). As for the results of this competition, 1st place was won by Nosca Band, 2nd place was won by Cazper Band, and 3rd place was won by D'Vacto Band.
The favorite winner was won by The Nine Band. For best player, Ardhita Zahra Namira from Legato Band won as best vocalist, Michael Christian from Cazper Band as best guitarist. Apart from that, Giosia Nafiri Suherman from Nosca Band in the best bass category, Bunga Ardina Putri from Nosca Band in the best drum category, and Sherryl Ivania Kartasasmita from My Tuesday Romance Band in the best keyboard category. []
Reporter Team: Muhammad Arham Alfarisi/Nelly Najwa/Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah *
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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