UNESA.ac.id. SURABAYA —Cantivity and the surrounding community who are open together (bukber) at Surabaya State University (Unesa) Campus 2 Tongue Wetan, Surabaya looks entertained with the Pantomime Pantomime Education Center, S-1 Education Study Program, Drama, Dan Dance, Dance and Music (Sendratasik) UNESA on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Students with various action and attractions are part of the Pantomime Parade in commemoration of World Pantomime Day or World Mime Day , March 22, 2025.
The atmosphere of the holy month of Ramadan is a general theme displayed. One of the concerns is the show with the cage, which tells about the 'demons' which is locked up in the fasting month.
The ‘devil’ screaming action in the cage, to the chase between the 'angels' and 'demons' which roaming into a spectacle that colors the atmosphere of ngabuburit at UNESA.
Indar Sabri, the theater lecturer who participated in the show explained, the pantomime is one of the genres of the theater. This show expresses feelings through expressions and gestures.
"Pantomime performances convey something peacefully without dialogues, so that many symbols are used as a means of delivering messages," he said.
The appearance of the student was appreciated who also watched the show.
For Cak Hasan, the commemoration of world pantomime day is important. First, as an effort to preserve and appreciate art, as well as a form of respect for Marcel Marceau ( Master of Mime ) and pantomime art as part of world cultural heritage.
"As a superior campus in the arts, of course students or the Unesa community must be one step in front of maintaining the art of pantomime to remain known and live in the community," said Cak Hasan.
Second, as a means of educational and strengthening student creativity, especially for performing arts students or the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) in general in developing expression skills, non-verbal communication, and acting arts.
Third, as space for the community and society, including people with disabilities in conveying creative aspirations through gestures and expressions.
Fourth, growing empathy and social awareness. Commemoration of Pantomime Day becomes an invitation for the community to be more sensitive to various social issues and human values.
"Cool, student performances are full of meaning. There is a message that is delivered and it is easy to understand the public. Besides entertaining, this activity is also worth education based on creativity. Happy World Pantomime Day," said Cak Hasan. [UNESA Public Relations Team]
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