Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Make-up is one of the needs of women. However, the time-consuming process sometimes also makes women reluctant to do make-up. They tend to entrust it to a makeup expert or salon. Aware of this, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Negeri Surabaya held a make-up training on Friday, March 18, 2022. The training is routinely held every month.
Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., as the Chairperson of the DWP, welcomed this kind of activity positively. According to him, regular meetings are not only a means to connect ties of friendship, but also a means to gain knowledge.
"Each meeting must bring results and benefits, both for oneself and the environment. This time it happened to be about make-up with the Faculty of Engineering as the coordinator. Later in the following month there will also be another theme activity," said Endah. In addition, this kind of activity is considered useful, considering that Dharma Wanita women are also active in activities. "We have to maintain our appearance, especially when we have to accompany our husbands in activities," he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., as the coordinator of the activities, added that in addition to maintaining appearance, make-up can also increase self-confidence. "We really need to look good, especially Dharma Wanita women have to be confident. So today the choice is make-up for yourself, for everyday life on various occasions," he said.
Furthermore, Maspiyah said that using make-up independently will indirectly save time, because mothers do not need to go to a salon to make-up. In this activity, Maspiyah brought along a group of lecturers from the UNESA Cosmetology Department to conduct a make-up demo which was attended by other Dharma Wanita members. In this activity, the selection of the best 6 make-up by a team of FT lecturers was also conducted. The activity ended with the giving of prizes and a group photo. (UNESA PR)
Author : Ayunda
Editor : @zam
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