Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The spirit of internationalization as part of the realization of the vision and mission of the Faculty of Economics and Business, State University of Surabaya continues to be encouraged. Various programs are implemented in order to achieve this goal, one of which is by formulating international work programs both in the academic and student affairs fields. One of them was held today (29/4), as one of the first steps, a meeting with the Faculty of Engineering, MARA University of Technology Malaysia was held to implement a collaborative network of student activities.
In its planning, there are 8 international programs that will be carried out by BEM Faculties, HMJ and LKM in the scope of FEB Unesa, such as the International Entrepreneur View (InEV) 2021, Sar-Posacom (South-East Asia Regional Poster and Essay Competition) BISMA Business Case Competition ( Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia Business Case Competition) 2021 EINSTEIN (Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition) and Accounting Debate Competition 9th Genration 2021 Mainvention "Malaysia Indonesia Investment Essay Competition Intelligent (International Bilingual Webinar Taxation) International Training of Islamic Economic (Basic Level) ).
In the process of developing this collaboration, the Student Affairs and Alumni Division of FEB Unesa have also carried out a number of mentoring to prepare students for the implementation of international cooperation with ormawa from related university partners. "We hope that the collaboration with UiTM can run well and in the future it can become an annual event. In addition, we hope that the experience gained by students in this activity can enrich relationships and foster achievements at the international level" said Dr. H. Moch. Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., MAY. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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