Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Student delegates from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) have again etched their names in the list of National Student Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQMN) champions held by the Ministry of Education and Culture at Brawijaya University, Malang on 4-9 November 2023 . The 'House of Champions' campus team won three championship titles in the competition.
First, 1st runner-up in the Musabaqah branch of Scientific Writing on the Content of the Qur'an by Cahyo Febri Wijaksono, Muhammad Luqmanul Hakim, and Riski Ramdani. Second, 2nd runner up Musabaqah Syarhil Qur'an by Ahmad Bahrul Ulum, Moh. Ikhsanus Shobach, and Mohammad Teguh Santoso. Third, 3rd place winner in the Women's Musabaqah Tartil Qur'an category by Ananda Mustika Putri.
One of the UNESA representatives who took part in the Musabaqah Syarhil Qur'an competition, Mohammad Teguh Santoso said that it took them three weeks to prepared a performance with the theme Leadership in the Al-Qur'an Perspective in the preliminary round and Religious Moderation in a Multicultural Society in the final round until finally receiving the award.
"One team was divided into the duties of orator, verse reader, and verse translator. "This result is a motivation for our team to record the best in the next competition," he said.
Meanwhile, Cahyo Febri Wijaksono, who was taking part in the MTQ competition for the first time, was the representative of the Scientific Writing Team on the Content of the Al-Qur 'an conveyed the idea of his writing entitled "Metaverse-Smart Science Laboratory Integrated with Teslasuit and Artificial Intelligence Towards Educational Transformation in the Era of Society 5.0 (Inspiration from Qs. Al-Baqarah Verse 164)".
In his writing, he explained the importance understanding of the universe as a sign of the greatness of Allah SWT, so science is very important to actualize this.
Metaverse-Smart Science Laboratory (MSSL) combines three types of science laboratories, namely the physics laboratory in the form of the Haptic Physics Universe (HPU), a chemistry laboratory in the form of Haptic Chemical Universe (HCU), and a biology laboratory in the form of Haptic Biosphere Universe (HBU).
Well, the general obstacles that usually arise when accessing virtual facilities are limited physical interaction and lack of flexibility system.
MSSL has an innovation to overcome these obstacles through the integration of the Teslasuit, a wearable device in the form of clothing, consisting of fourteen Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors that can identify movement and provide physical feedback, including temperature and vibrations on the user's body.
"So for example, when students practice dissecting animal bodies at MSSL, they will feel the sensation of physical touch with real texture and detail," he said.
MSSL is also supported by AI so it is able to carry out complex data processing and learn patterns in large datasets. Apart from that, the integration of AI in MSSL also allows for adaptive adjustments to user needs.
Cahyo hopes that MSSL can be realized in the future, because scientific competence is very important, science is the foundation for developing scientific thinking abilities, as well as being the basis for technological development.

For information, in this MTQMN, UNESA sent 31 of its best representatives to participate in 21 competition branches. They were accompanied by M. Khoirul Anwar, S. Ag., MEI. It is hoped that the various experiences and competitions this year will provide the basis and enthusiasm to make many achievements in the next competition. []
Reporter: Rafa Afifa Maharani
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Delegation Documentation for MTQMN 2023
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