Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Entering the period of admission of new students in 2025, information about study programs, superior programs, lecture systems, quota to fees are needed by parents, prospective registrants, to teachers in the regions.
For this reason, Surabaya State University (Unesa) through the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information with the Sub Directorate of Reception and Graduation of Students or Admissions Present to a number of regions to provide information to high school students equivalent about opportunities to continue their education in tertiary institutions, wrong The only in UNESA
In this socialization, also involved in teams from faculties and study programs, sons and daughters, regional student organizations (organizations), majors or study program students, student activity units, and others.
The road to Unesa starts from here , Unesa started the socialization program by greeting students and teachers in the city of warriors or pecel cities, on January 13, 2025. There, the presence of the campus' growing with character 'welcomed by the ranks of service, teachers, and students who swarm booth.
They seemed enthusiastic about asking about study programs, superior programs, career development, lecture systems to registration systems, scholarships, and revenue channels in Unesa. The brochures prepared were hunted by students.
After closing closer Access to information for the children of Madiun Regency and its surroundings, Unesa then continued the socialization of campus introduction at Edufair MGBK Ngawi, on January 15, 2025. This activity was attended by hundreds of high school students and high school teachers.
Almost the same as the socialization in other regions, the campus team 'Growing with Character' introduces a total of 109 study programs that prospective registrants can be chosen in the National Selection Path based on Achievement (SNBP) 2025. These study programs are in accordance with potential and regional development projections, as well as future career needs of the regional generation.
City of Santri Not spared to be a place for Unesa to introduce its superior study programs who on average have pocketed accreditation A, superior, and even international accreditation both ASIIN, AQAS, and Fibaa. The accreditation is one proof of international recognition of the quality and quality of lectures or education at Unesa.
The introduction of the campus in Jombang was carried out in several stages and places, namely in the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang and at SMKN 3 Jombang. Gilang Gusti Aji, Head of Public Relations Unesa stressed that Unesa was an ex-IPIP campus that was transformed as the leading PTN-BH in Indonesia.
"The spirit of PTNBH UNESA is a campus that is adaptive, innovative, global competitive, and has an impact on the community. Students are a priority and are encouraged not only to study on campus, but outside of campus and even abroad to have experience as an important capital for future careers, "he said.
Although UNESA Campus 5 Magetan has been standing dashing and magnificently coloring the journey of the development of The Sunset of East Java, but socialization and closer access to new student admission information must continue to be carried out. The socialization there is carried out regularly and continuously, not only related to study programs on the 5th Campus of Magetan, but also those on campus 1 and campus 2 Surabaya. Teachers and students throughout Magetan Regency on January 20, 2025. In this activity also conveyed how the vision of the development of the 5 Magetan campus was in line with the vision of the development of HR and the development of the Magetan Regency Government Education.
"Now, Unesa 5 Magetan is opening five new study programs needed in Magetan. In addition, in the future, as a reinforcement, the development of the UNESA labschool will also be planned in Magetan as an effort to create a sustainable and quality education ecosystem for Magetan and its surroundings, "said Sukarmin, Head of Sub Directorate of Reception and Graduation of Students or Admissions of Unesa.
Through the Team Students, UNESA were present in Banyuwangi to socialize about the new student admission system in 2025 and introduce Unesa to the community, teachers, and students there. In this socialization program, Unesa conveyed that new faculties and new study programs could be elected through the SNBP 2025.
The new faculty in question was the Faculty of Law (FH) which had a S-1 Legal Study Program. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) which has a S-1 Medical Study Program, S-1 Physiotherapy, S-1 Midwifery, and S-1 Nursing. In addition, there is a Faculty of Psychology (FPSI) which has a Psychology S-1 Study Program. [*]
Author: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Team Unesa Public Relations
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