Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA)'s commitment to the world of sports is entering a new phase. The 'Home of Champions' campus launched and released the football team, UNESA FC to compete in the East Java League 3 which will take place in Jember on 5-17 December 2023.
UNESA FC is strengthened by 27 players consisting of 25 students and 2 educational staff (tendik). They were officially released by the leadership at the Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, Lidah Wetan Campus on Friday, December 1 2023.
UNESA FC Manager, Sujarwanto said that UNESA as a campus that has advantages, one of which is in the field of sports, has become top of mind of society. This excellence must be driven to an even higher level.
"UNESA's human resources, whether as athletes, coaches, companions or organizers of sporting events, are commonplace. In fact, we have contributed many medals and achievements to Indonesia in "world level. Now, we will prove it again and raise the level again through UNESA FC," he said.
He added, UNESA has a sports sciences development center, a sports athlete development system supported by international standard infrastructure as a support UNESA FC's progress in League 3.
"This innovation and sports science ecosystem is an important asset to show our abilities at the national level. Hopefully this will be a good start to provide color and positive contributions to other campuses and the world of football Indonesia," he added.
UNESA FC, he continued, is a UNESA football club filled with UNESA students and staff. Previously as a friendly club between agencies, now it has moved up to a professional competition.
The UNESA FC team is filled with the best students from various faculties who have gone through a selection process and team trials. The players received assistance from APMOI (Indonesian Mental Sports Coaches Association) to be better prepared to welcome the competition.
The professor at the Faculty of Education (FIP) hopes that with this new chapter, UNESA FC in the East Java League 3 can develop their potential and make a positive contribution to the world of sports in the country.
UNESA FC was released directly by the Deputy Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and University Rankings, Junaidi Budi Prihanto. He hopes that UNESA FC will become a forum for applying various UNESA innovations, research and findings in the field of sports.
"Hopefully UNESA FC's inaugural match in Jember will provide the best results so that it can exist in the world of football , and even move up to League 2," he hoped.

The Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Dwi Cahyo Kartiko said, that UNESA FC is a form of the institution's commitment to providing impressive and evidence to the community from the institution who has sporting advantages.
He advised the UNESA FC squad not only to rely on physical skills, but also strategy and clear thinking. "Have fun competing and hopefully we can be more active in showing the talents of UNESA students in the field of sports, especially football," he concluded.
For information, the East Java League 3 is organized by the East Java PSSI Provincial Association (Asprov). This event was attended by 54 teams divided into 14 groups with a full competition system and two home tournaments. UNESA FC is in group H with Persid Jember, Pasuruan United and Persema Malang. []
Reporter: Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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