Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Slowly but surely, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to transform into a world class university. Achievement after achievement has been achieved and the ranking is increasing both at the national and international levels.
Most recently, in 2022, UNESA is ranked 7th nationally and 456th in the world in the Language and Literature category according to the Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR). In addition, it is also ranked 9th in the national and 490th world in the education category. It didn't stop there, in the Physics and Astronomy category, UNESA was ranked 15th nationally.
SIR is a rating agency that assesses universities based on three main indicators, including research, innovation and the resulting social impact. Head of the Higher Education Clustering and Ranking Unit, Nadi Suprapto, M.Pd.,Ph.D., explained that the ranking achieved was the fruit of a commitment to improving the quality of education.
UNESA's commitment, he continued, is manifested in implementing the latest and applied curriculum according to the needs of the times, organizing the teaching and learning process in accordance with appropriate learning methods but also carrying out the scientific publication process in the form of indexed journals on a number of superior accredited portals.
This achievement cannot be separated from the efforts made by UNESA so far, including carrying out a research-based strategy by publishing journals on the Scopus and Scimago indexed databases based on the three assessment indicators used, namely research, innovation and social impact.
"As a former tertiary educational institution (LPTK), UNESA has advantages in the field of education, we have a number of researches with the highest categories including, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Asia Pacific Education Review, Journal of Teaching in International Business, Journal of Entrepreneurship Education and many more," he explained.
The ranking is certainly a motivation for UNESA to continue to improve the quality and quantity of research in various fields. Therefore, in the future, the synergy between institutions and fields at UNESA will continue to be improved. One of them is through weekly seminars, assignment research programs for professors in order to produce as many outcomes as possible.
Likewise with the establishment of journals initiated by UNESA to support Scopus indexed scientific publications for the academic community. Nadi explained, this ranking has an impact on UNESA so it requires a commitment to always produce innovations and expand the impact on the community and achieve a higher rank.
"With this ranking, it is proof of the quality of UNESA so that it is hoped that it will get more recognition at the national and international levels," he said. [UNESA PR]
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