Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Every service and service that is beneficial to the community must be appreciated and appreciated. For this reason, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) awarded the Widya Wiyata Samya Award to figures, public officials and parties or institutions that contribute to developing and improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
In total there were ten recipients of the award at the peak of the 57th UNESA Anniversary at UNESA Graha, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Tuesday, December 21, 2021. The recipients of the award were, first, Dr. (H.C) Puan Maharani Nakshatra Kusyala Devi, S.Sos., Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives. In her career, Puan Maharani has been involved in the field of education, including women's empowerment in Indonesia. Her work is an example for women to be an important part in the development of the Indonesian nation.
Second, Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Si, Governor of East Kalimantan who has more attention to the world of education. In order to improve the quality of human resources in his area, he provides full scholarships to the best students and students in the area to continue their studies at various campuses, including at UNESA.
Third, Prof. Dr. H. Budi Dharma, M.A. Famous Indonesian Writer and Chancellor of IKIP Surabaya (UNESA, now) 1984-1988 Period. Budi Darma is a humble figure who has a number of influential works on the literary horizon, not only in Indonesia, but also in the world. Its important role in the world of education and literature is undeniable. His ideas and works have become a valuable legacy for the Indonesian people and the world.
Fourth, Pertamina's President Director, Nicke Widyawati, who has been continuously trying to contribute in the field of education and community empowerment and a better community environment.
Fifth, Leak Koestiya, Director of Jawa Pos Media. Under his leadership, Jawa Pos is heavily involved in developing the world of education, not only through special rubrics in the field of education, but also through programs and collaborations as well as training to improve the quality of human resources in the field of education.
Sixth, K.H. Marzuqi Mustamar, M. Ag., Chairman of the Tanfidziyah PWNU East Java. Kiyai Marzuqi is an influential figure and has an important role in the field of education and religious organizations. Through NU Jatim, he concentrates a lot on developing quality human resources and having good morals. Likewise with his leadership in Islamic boarding schools who uphold faith and loyalty in broadcasting Islamic symbols.
Seventh, Dr. Drs. H Marhaen Djumadi, S.E., S.H., M.M., M.BA. Plt Regent Nganjuk., is also a simple figure who also plays an important role in advancing education in East Java.
Then, eighth, Eric Tjahyadi, S.T,. M.T. Mayor of Surabaya. The important role of this one mayor certainly cannot be doubted. Through various programs in the field of education, the City of Surabaya continues to develop as a metropolis that still maintains its traditions. Eri Cahyadi cooperates with many parties and campuses in improving the quality of education, most recently building the Arek Suroboyo Education Village with UNESA and other campuses.
Ninth, H. Ahmad Muhdlor Ali, S.I.P., Regent of Sidoarjo., who is heavily involved in the development of education, especially Islamic boarding schools in East Java. It is the spirit of improving the quality of human resources that characterizes his leadership and programs in Sidoarjo.
Then the tenth, H. Fandi Akhmad Yani, S.E., Regent of Gresik, who is also a caring figure and has an important role in the world of education. Gus Yani believes that prosperity can be achieved through quality education and superior human resources.
On that occasion, the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi expressed his gratitude to UNESA for the award. According to him, the award is a motivation for the Surabaya City Government in overcoming the remaining problems in the fields of education and health.
He continued, the Arek Suroboyo Education Village program could not be separated from the support of the UNESA Chancellor through his MBKM program and his students who went down in various places in Surabaya. In fact, the implementation of online education during the pandemic related to subjects such as art is also in collaboration with UNESA.
"Hopefully this collaboration will become a shared spirit in striving for the quality of education in the city of Surabaya to be better and more advanced in the future," he hoped.
Meanwhile, Leak Koestiya, President Director of Jawa Pos, explained that one of the media he leads is based on the spirit of educating and educating the people of East Java and Indonesia in general. Jawa Pos contributes to the world of education by holding SMA Awards which is an award for all high school students in East Java who excel.
"There are many programs, of course the task of educating the nation is a shared task and our shared responsibility. Thank you to UNESA for this award and hopefully it will be a motivation for us together for a more advanced and superior world of education in the future, "he concluded. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Ulum 'Izzati Rohmah
Editor: @zam*
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