Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In order to improve the quality of the implementation of The Tridarma of Higher Education, Unesa held an Open Meeting of the Senate in the Framework of the Inauguration of Professors (Gubes) and Tasyakuran Prestasi Unesa on Monday, March 29, 2021 at Graha Unesa Lidah Wetan. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Senate Unesa Prof. Dr. H. Haris Supratno, M.Pd and the Gubes confirmed by the Rector of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes.
There were four Professors confirmed on that occasion, Prof. Drs. Slamet Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D., as Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Language and Arts. Prof. Dr. Nita Kusumawati, S.Si., M.Sc., as Professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd., was confirmed as Professor of Science and Science at the Faculty of Education and Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Joeda Andajani, M.Kes., as Professor of Educational Technology at the Faculty of Education.
Rector of Unesa Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes said that the inauguration of Professor Unesa is one of Unesa's efforts in improving the quality of education implementation in Unesa. In addition, as a form of acceleration of Unesa towards State Universities Incorporated Law (PTN-BH) and become an international standard campus.
Nurhasan hopes that with the increase of professors can make a positive contribution to improving the quality of education, research and dedication of Unesa to the community. "Unesa is optimistic that gubes and their human resources can bring Unesa into an innovative, creative, and collaborative campus in producing positive works for the advancement of society and the nation," he said. "Anyway, Unesa one step ahead, should immediately PTN-BH and become a World Class University," he continued.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unesa Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd explained that to go to PTN-BH, there are several conditions that must be prepared carefully, one of which is superior and qualified human resources. Therefore, Unesa formed a special mentoring team for the candidates who proposed to become Professors. Also for lecturers who are still masters are pushed to the doctoral level.
In addition, there are many efforts that have been made by Unesa as a step to accelerate the transfer of Unesa status from PTN-BLU to PTN-BH. "We have a team to accelerate the transfer of status and this year Unesa pursue everything is completed and hopefully next year Unesa can become PTN-BH," said Bambang semangat.
In addition to strengthening the Professor, on that occasion, Unesa held a tasyakuran title for various achievements achieved by Unesa throughout 2020. Some of them such as the first national champion of The Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) and the Best Budget Performance Value of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), ASIIN Accreditation or international accreditation of five FMIPA study programs and the best champion of three Public Relations Universities Dikti Public Relations Award 2020. In addition, WTP for five consecutive years, as well as being awarded by KPPN as the Best Manager of Foreign Grant Fund, Islamic Development Bank (IDB).
As a form of empathy and spreading the spirit of sharing. On that occasion Unesa invited 100 orphans and distributed love ropes to children who came from various foundations in Surabaya. Daniswara Rachman Candra Nengtyas from TPQ Fathul Jadid, Babatan Mukti, Surabaya said he was happy to be present at the event.
For him, the most important thing is not the gift, but the spirit behind it to continue learning and becoming a better and prouder child of all. "Happy and so there is a spirit of learning. Thank you Unesa, and thank you everyone," said the 13-year-old. The event was also combined with religious tausiah and joint prayer led by KH Agoes Ali Mashuri or commonly known as Gus Ali. Then the event ended with the closing speech of the senate by the Chairman of the Senate Unesa. (Pr. Unesa)
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