Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Shared awareness of the dangers of drugs that continue to threaten generations must continue to be built and promoted. One of them is through the Talkshow of Productive Youth, Achievements Without Drugs, as held by SMCC UNESA with BNNP East Java at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya on Friday (01/04/2022).
Head of BNNP East Java Brigadier General. Pol. Drs. M. Aris Purnomo said that, basically, young people already know very well the difference between prohibited drugs and prohibited drugs or substances. In fact, knowing the impact on health. "Never mind illegal drugs, even those that are not prohibited, if used just any way, it can be dangerous," he said opening the chat.
To change behavior, you can't just know, but also need to build children's awareness. "This awareness that we build together, how do we convince our children not to behave like that (drug abuse, ed)," he explained.
Early Prevention
The East Java BNNP and UNESA, said Aris, synergize in efforts to prevent drugs in early childhood. One of the things they do is develop prevention guidelines. "What we need to instill in our generation is that if you take medicine, use a prescription. If you take it once a day, take it once a day, no more than the prescription," he explained.
There are three BNN strategies in eradicating drug abuse in the community. First, soft power in the form of education, socialization and community empowerment including rehabilitation. Second, hard power is an action strategy, either in the form of arrest, confiscation or destruction. Third, smart power, namely socialization and education through the use of multimedia or IT, so that people can be aware of and fight drugs.
On that occasion, Aris revealed, cases of drug abuse were indeed increasing, East Java was ranked second after North Sumatra. "The cases handled by the BNNP and the Regional Police when combined, there are more than 6,000 cases per year. This includes the users, also the dealer, and the dealer. This is what is our concentration as well as our commitment and we are together, to raise public awareness and the role of fighting drugs," he said.
Youth Support System
Prof. Dr. Seger Handoyo, a psychologist and the head of the HIMPSI Center invites all to fight drugs starting from the simplest things. “We have to be sensitive and help see the changes in our friends, so that the fall is not deep. Please help what's the problem. In terms of psychology, observe, approach and help," he explained.
The drug problem, said dr. Brihastami Sawitri, SpKj, IDI Surabaya Social Media Division Team, is a complex issue. Drugs, apart from having a psychological impact, also have an effect on behavior, facial appearance and communication with people around them. Therefore, various approaches or strategies are needed and involve many parties.
Environmental and social are the most important aspects in preventing drug abuse. Preventive prevention activities themselves in the realm of education are also a major aspect in socializing the dangers of drug additives that damage nerves.
Prevention efforts include improving a healthy lifestyle, eating regularly and nutritiously to good stress management. If you are experiencing life problems, it is better to ask the closest person for advice or even to a specialist. Let's find out what and how to solve it.
“Don't solve problems with new problems, look for stimulants through consumption of drinks or drugs, let alone alcohol and drugs. It doesn't solve the problem, but adds a new, bigger problem that threatens the future."
Meanwhile, Pol Kombes Arie Ardian Rishad, S.I.K Dirresnarkoba Polda East Java added, drug abuse is a crime with a maximum penalty of 4 years in prison. "Let's all friends or students become a healthy generation and achievers without drugs. Live in peace and the future is bright,” he asked in front of hundreds of student participants who attended offline and online. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabilla Habibah Ac
Editor: @zam*
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