Cutting sacrificial meat on Eid al-Adha at Labschool Unesa
unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA�Primary and Middle School Labschool Surabaya State University (UNESA) , held activities to celebrate the Festival of Sacrifice, Eid al-Adha which took place at the UNESA Labschool, Campus 1 Ketintang on Tuesday, 18 June 2024.
This activity involved the slaughter of cows and goats as a form of celebration and imitation of the attitude of the Prophet Ibrahim AS and Ismail AS, who sincerely carries out the commands of Allah SWT.
Director of the Labschool Institute, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., appreciated Labschool Elementary School and Labschool Middle School for actively celebrating Eid al-Adha with sacrificial activities.
"What the Labschool extended family does is a manifestation of their sincerity in carrying out the teachings of Allah SWT. Apart from that, this activity also aims to instill a sense of togetherness between teachers, parents and students and teach students- female students to always do good to each other," he said.
The Principal of Labschool Elementary School, Sri Lestari, S.Pd., said that this year\'s sacrificial activity was the first after the pandemic. Before the pandemic, this activity was routinely held every year. "The aim of this activity is to encourage students to increase their faith and piety and share with others," explained Sri Lestari.
The series of sacrificial activities at Labschool Elementary School includes the slaughter of sacrificial animals and distribution of sacrificial meat to orphans and families. less fortunate, as well as local residents.
Meat distribution is done using a coupon system and collection is done during the day. Students who cannot afford to sacrifice are given the opportunity to donate goats or join forces to buy cows, apart from that, this can be done with infaq. The total number of sacrificial animals at the UNESA Labschool Elementary School this year is one cow and four goats.
The Principal of the Labschool Elementary School hopes, "that the children will increasingly have a spirit of sharing, be able to build relationships, and increase closeness within the big UNESA Labschool family."
On the other hand, Mr. Aksin Mubarroh, as Chief Executive of the Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals at UNESA Labschool Middle School, explained that this activity was part of the school\'s annual routine.
"The proceeds from this sacrificial meat will be distributed equally among underprivileged students, the surrounding community, and all school residents," said Pak Aksin.
Funding for the sacrificial activities was obtained from infaq students and teachers. Several teachers participated with a joint sacrifice, so that a total of one cow and one goat were slaughtered at UNESA Labschool Middle School.
The provision of meat at Labschool Middle School does not use coupons, but is based on data on students who are categorized as underprivileged and orphans who are then contacted through their respective homeroom teachers.
Aksin added, " We hope that students can emulate this sacrificial activity, understanding the value of patience and sincerity exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim AS."
The Eid al-Adha celebration activities at the UNESA Labschool took place solemnly and meaningfully. Some parents and students who had sacrificed were also invited to witness the slaughter of the sacrificial animal. This celebration not only strengthens relations between all school members, but also teaches important values ��about faith, piety and sincerity in sharing with others.
Reporter: Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)< br /> Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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