Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-After going through various stages of selection, Dewa Bagus Mahari Saputra, a student majoring in Mandarin Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) was selected as the Son and Daughter of East Java (Jatim) Education. He occupies the runner-up position 2 and will show his skills at the national level.
The class of 2019 students do have an interest in the field of education. That's why, to develop himself and increase his relationship, he took part in the event. The struggle is no joke. He had to divide his time between quarantine and KKN activities in Batu.
During the selection process, he received news that his mother had fallen ill. In order to accompany his mother, Dewa wanted to retreat and was down. However, his family asked him to continue his struggle. In the midst of these conditions, support for him continued to arrive, including from KKN friends.
It excited him. "Moreover, I haven't done anything like this in a long time. Yes, the last time I participated in the election of the Blitar Regency Tourism Ambassador in 2017 and became the representative of I Gus Blitar Regency, "he said.

The event made him have to go back and forth Surabaya-Batu-Blitar. Her struggle was not in vain, she finally finished runner up 2 with Ahla Nurus Saada (daughter). In the election, Dewa conveyed his ideas in advancing education in East Java. According to him, the quality of education is currently not fully equal. Therefore, he carried out a teaching program to the villages.
“This teaching program focuses on foreign languages. Young people in the village can learn to master foreign languages together, such as English, for example. The way is, we as educational ambassadors will collaborate with friends who have English skills to study together with young people in the village," he said.
The idea is based on and strengthened by the findings and the program at the KKN location. Many young people in the village lack foreign language skills. Even though this ability is a work demand and even current studies. “Language for me is the key to knowledge. Later, if young people in this village want to go to college or pursue scholarships, for example, it can at least make their way easier,” he said.
As an ambassador for education, Dewa wants to give the best for the advancement of education in East Java in particular and Indonesia in general. Currently, he is preparing himself for the election of the National Education Boys.
“We ask for prayers and support from all parties. Hopefully I can give the best and make my parents, alma mater, all friends proud. And, hopefully they will always be given fluency in every activity and always be able to develop themselves and continue to contribute to the community, nation and country, "he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabila Arum H.
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Dewa Bagus Mahari Saputra Documentation
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