Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Talent must continue to be honed, one of which is by producing works and participating in competitions. That's what Ardiansyah Dharma did. The undergraduate student of Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNESA demonstrated his skills in the virtual Millennials Art Show 2022 competition held by the Chinese Indonesian Student Association (PPIT) Nanjing in March 2022.
In the competition, Ardiansyah Dharma carried a poster entitled "Tatung Singkawang Parade, Acculturation of Chinese and Dayak Culture,". Because of his work, he managed to eliminate dozens of other participants aged 16-26 years.
The student from Sampang, Madura explained that the competition process began with the preliminary round and continued with evaluation and validation of the work description by the judges. In the preliminary round, the best 3 participants were selected from 60 participants, it turned out that the name Ardiansyah was chosen, and his work was immediately evaluated and validated by the judges. After the determination, it turned out that Ardiansyah was in third place. “Unexpectedly, it turns out that I won third place. I'm definitely happy and thankful," he said.
The posters that were entered in the competition were the result of not easy work. He perfected his idea by reading a book at the same time to strengthen the idea. In addition, he also conducted a study of journals about cultural acculturation and several related websites. "What makes it challenging is that the language used on the poster is English. I use journal references so that the content of my poster is valid and really based on strong data and references," he said.
Behind this achievement, this 2019 class student has several tips. First, identify the background of the jury, whether the jury focuses on scientific or visualization. Second, originality, create your own work to avoid plagiarism. Third, the validity of the content of the poster, use a valid reference source when creating the content of the work, such as a journal.
While making works, Ardiansya Dharma regularly consults with Dr. Elok Sudibyo M. Pd., academic supervisor (DPA) to provide input whether his work is in accordance with the provisions of the competition or not. According to him, the success of the work cannot be separated from the input of the supervisor. Then also discussion friends. "The ideas that we produce are sometimes imperfect, the results of discussions and input from supervisors can make our ideas or works even more perfect," he said.
For him, the third position he achieved was not much. That's why he made this achievement a motivation to keep practicing and developing himself. "There are still 2nd place winners and 1st place winners above me, of course that's what I learned. How do they work and what are the strategies, designs and manufacturing processes," he explained.
"I'm not competing with other people, but with myself. How can I be better than I was before. Likewise in poster design. Isn't science constantly evolving and dynamic. Because I have to always learn and keep learning. Hopefully this will be a motivation for me and Gratitude be an inspiration for other friends," he explained again. (UNESA PR)
Author : Wulidah
Editor : @zam*
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