Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—UNESA shows its commitment to building the character of students and the academic community by holding Character Education activities in 2023. This activity was held by the Directorate of Student and Alumni Affairs online on Saturday, 14 October 2023.
< p>The main themes raised this year are, "Building a Superior Personality, Preventing Bullying and Sexual Violence, Rejecting Corruption, and Anti-Radicalism". This activity was attended by hundreds of students.Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Sholeh, M.Pd., in his speech emphasized the importance of character education. According to him, character education is an integral part of forming quality human beings.
"We are committed to involving students and academics in order to create a safe campus environment, free from bullying, sexual violence, corruption and radicalism," he said.
One of the sub-themes that received special attention in this activity was preventing bullying and sexual violence. As speakers, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, S.H., M.H; M. Fahrudin Andriansyah, S.H., M.H; and Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji, S.Hum., M.A.
Rojil stated that radicalism is a global threat, and universities as educational centers must be at the forefront in eradicating radicalism movements.
“UNESA "I want to produce students who are not only academically intelligent, but also have high moral and ethical integrity," he said.
On that occasion, the committee announced the formation of a special team tasked with handling and providing assistance to students who become victims of bullying or sexual violence.
This step is a concrete effort to provide maximum protection and support for victims. It is also part of a joint effort to make UNESA a campus with zero sexual violence and bullying.
UNESA student, Nanda Prasetyo, welcomed this activity. For him, this is a positive and relevant step that students need. "We need a deeper understanding of these issues and how to deal with them. "Hopefully with this activity, we can all be more sensitive to the surrounding environment and play an active role in creating a conducive campus," said Nanda.
He hopes that character education will not only become a routine activity, but also become a foundation for formation of better and stronger student character. It is hoped that all parties can work together to maintain the sustainability of character education in the campus environment. []
Author: Nelly Najwa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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