Forming characters early on by parents requires patience and proper adaptation of children. Physical and psychological hard training has been successfully carried out by both parents Dr. Mastur Riadi M.Pd. since grade 1 elementary school. Economic limitations the formal education of his parents and the condition of the natural environment are the accumulations of factors that have taken his life as an adventurer appearing to live modestly and never giving up. Adventurer born in Bungtiang East Lombok NTB on December 31 1969 was a lecturer at the Teachers Training College of Mataram in 2002 and was appointed as a civil servant in 2005 now he serves at the Dikpora (Department of Youth and Sports Education). Not wasting the opportunity and satisfied with his career he did not want half and half in fighting to get the task of learning from the Regent he immediately continued his Masters and Doctoral studies at Unesa. Choosing Unesa as her scientific field is a challenge for Mastur. "I chose Unesa because studying at Unesa is notoriously difficult to complete. This is precisely what makes me challenged to break the myth " he said. His success in becoming the best S-3 graduate with a GPA of 3.79 is not as easy as turning his hand many struggles have been taken including during his time at the School of Sports Teachers (SGO) always ranked first and even the overall champion for 3 years taking S-education 1 Department of Health Education at IKIP Mataram graduated best and the fastest with the title cumlaude S-2 Sports Education in Unesa entered 2009 graduated in 2011 and S-3 Sports Science in Unesa entered 2011 completed 2014. Today Saturday (21/6 / 2014) he graduated. The dissertation raised related to weight training is one of the best types of exercise to improve ones fitness or physical and psychological abilities both male / female old / young athlete / not athlete. He advised that weight training is also very good to shape the body as desired. Therefore to be psychologically and physically balanced regular exercise is also necessary. Away from family is not a problem for the adventurer who has 2 sons and 2 daughters. All families support their struggle in the study so far so that Mastur is principled about the key to his success that struggle honesty discipline humility and self-awareness are nothing without the will of Allah SWT so praying is a balance that must go in harmony with effort. Serving God by always seeking knowledge that is useful for life being a better human being and being useful to many people is the motivation of his career to be successful until now. "The more I dig the wider and more I dont know yet. I just want to always try to be a person who is getting better and more beneficial to many people. "Of course this title that I hold is a stick for me to always try to be better" he said. The thing that cannot be forgotten when Mastur has to return to Mataram is that at Unesa the lecturers are highly respected he feels like a child when dealing with the lecturers. Away from his family and many college assignments often makes him depressed but he has his own unique way of overcoming it that is jogging in the morning around the rented complex and in the afternoon he is fitness and gardening on a vacant land beside the rented house. He explained that the spirit that had been formed thanks to the people who pushed him to be persistent in his studies was Prof. I Ketut Budayasa Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Toho Cholik Mutohir and other Unesa lecturers and staff even security guards and graduate gardeners who were all close to him. At the end of Unesas PR Reporter chat through cyberspace he had a chance to express a prayer from Mataram. "May their service be recorded as a deed of worship and Allah give goodness to him in this world and the hereafter" he said. (Chandra Kirana / Wahyu / Byu)