Unesa.ac.id., Surabaya-Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) 2024
This agenda was attended by Vice Chancellor I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Martadi, as well as faculty and director deans related to the Campus Campus 'Growing with Character.'
This activity aims to examine the results of the Unesa internal audit which includes various aspects such as research audits, student creativity programs (PKM) (MBKM), curriculum, vision-mission, strategy, student and alumni, to the recognition of past learning (RPL). However, it is necessary to strengthen at the level of study programs (Koorprodi) in conducting evaluations or audits.
" The quality continues, "he said.
He added, the role of the deans is very important in providing moral and technical support to Koorprodi. "We ask the assistance of the deans to provide support to Koorprodi because they are those who directly undergo an audit process," he added.
Deputy Rector I, Martadi stressed the importance of the documentation of faculty activities in a structured system. "I agree that the faculty must be collected by its activities, but the activity must be proven by the existence of documents uploaded in a system.
We will coordinate with cross -directorates and other vice rector so that each main performance indicator (IKU) can be recorded systematically," he explained. src = "/images/foto-25-03-2025-08-41-56-1754.png" style = "height: 533px; width: 800px"/>
In addition is:
- Ranking 3: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
- Ranking 2: Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). - Rank 1: Faculty of Education (FIP).
Dean of FIP, Mochamad Nursalim, explained that the follow -up plan report starts from the faculty level, and if it is not resolved, it will be taken to the university. At present all RTLs from the faculty and directorate have been collected, so that it can be known who has completed the RTL.
"In FIP, from the findings, most have been followed up, but there are still around 32 RTLs that must be completed at the university level," he said.
The FIP professor added, the low number of findings shows better quality and performance. "When the number of RTLs is small, it means that FIP ​​performance is better and higher quality. Hopefully, from this 2024 finding, in 2025 the number of findings can be decreased," he concluded.
With the RTL and BPM Award, Unesa further strengthens the academic quality assurance system so that education standards continue to increase. In the future, BPM is committed to continuing to provide guidance and evaluation so that each faculty and study program will further understand the importance of audits in efforts to improve university quality.*
Reporter: Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @Zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team of Public Relations Team
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