Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–A total of 2,857 SNMPTN 2022 participants were accepted at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). Of that number, there are three participants who are the youngest. They are Vinza Ameliana Putri, a new student in the Management S-1 study program, Akbar Wildhanata in the Electrical Engineering S-1 study program, and Prisilia Joyceline Atmojo in the Office Administration Education S-1 study program. All three, both born in November 2005.
Vinza Ameliana Putri is a graduate of MAN Bangkalan who was born on November 8, 2005. She is around 16 years and 7 months old. At that age, he was accepted into the UNESA Management S-1 study program according to his expectations.
Ameliana Putri said that UNESA has been one of her dream campuses for a long time. According to him, UNESA has excellent accreditation, including the selected study program, S-1 Management has been accredited A. In addition, the campus with the motto 'Growing with Character' also has a number of study programs that have received international accreditation.
"With human resources, infrastructure, including achievements, I believe UNESA is the right place to learn, gain knowledge and develop yourself," he said.
Ameliana Putri has tips to become the youngest new student. He followed the acceleration program, took MTSN 3 Pamekasan for 2 years and completed high school education at MAN Bangkalan for 2 years. No wonder, if he can walk faster than his peers.
“Alhamdulillah for me for being one of the youngest. However, this is only the beginning, I still have a long way to go. Of course, you will study optimally so you can achieve achievements both inside and outside the campus to make your alma mater proud, Mama (Mother, ed), the late father and family," he said.
Akbar Wildhanata said the same thing. The teenager who was born on November 24, 2005 also participated in the acceleration program so that he succeeded in becoming a student at a relatively young age. Indeed, the accelerated class required him to study harder than usual. In addition, you must also be good at time management so that you learn not only a lot, but also effectively.
“Maybe other accelerated friends are the same, if I have to find the right time to study. So even though you learn a lot, you are still effective,” he said.
The reason for anchoring at UNESA was other than the reason for the location close to his residence, Krian. Also because UNESA is one of the state universities with a good reputation. "Unesa also has an Electrical Engineering study program which is my goal and thank God I was accepted through the SNMPTN route," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Doc. Personal
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