The UNESA BIPA Team together with presenters and training participants at FBS, Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya.
unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA–With the theme 'Integration of Local Culture in BIPA Teaching: Strategy, Media and Curriculum,' UNESA BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) held training in the English Language Study Program Seminar Room, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Monday, August 19 2024.
The chief executive, Azmilatudz Dzakiroh, said that the aim of this seminar was to improve the ability and quality of teaching Indonesian to foreign speakers. Attended by around 50 participants with student backgrounds, both from UNESA and the general public, this seminar aims to strengthen strategies, media and curriculum without eliminating local culture in them.
The training seminar opened with remarks from the Chairman of BIPA UNESA, Octo Dendy Andriyanto, with his appreciation and gratitude for the support of all levels of UNESA leadership for BIPA UNESA.
He revealed that BIPA UNESA once again welcomed foreign students to study Indonesian culture and language, with a total of approximately 18 students from various agencies and countries.
"Currently, BIPA UNESA has confirmed that there are 18 foreign students who will join, consisting of 5 KMB students, 5 darmasiswa students, 6 regular students, and 2 private students," he said.
Head of Sub-Directorate for International Affairs (KUI) UNESA, Asrori, revealed that BIPA is part of FBS. "Alhamdulillah, since two years ago FBS has been following international accreditation, BIPA as a support for foreign students at FBS. "So, the existence of BIPA at FBS is very appropriate," he said.Asrori also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the entire BIPA UNESA management team who are enthusiastic and dedicated in carrying out their duties. He revealed that this year, UNESA will accept 25 foreign students from various agencies, as well as scholarship students from UNESA itself.
Presentation of material on the Development of the Thematic BIPA Syllabus by Wati Istanti.
On session material, Wati Istanti or commonly known as Wati Ungu. The Director of the Language Tower and lecturer in Language, Indonesian and Regional Literature Education, Semarang State University (UNNES), explained material regarding the development of the thematic BIPA syllabus. He explained the division of foreign language standards, namely CEFR, ACTFL, AND SKL 2017, and Indonesia is one of those still using SKL 2017.
Before developing a syllabus, BIPA students must be careful in analyzing the character of the prospective learner, because that is the important point. This syllabus also emphasizes the importance of developing interactive and learner-oriented learning strategies.
In the next session, Heny Subandiyah, as a BIPA researcher and teacher, as well as a UNESA lecturer, with the material Arts and Culture Based BIPA Teaching Materials, explained about the importance of arts and culture in BIPA teaching by considering the characteristics of teaching materials and BIPA teaching prototypes.
Presentation of BIPA Teaching Materials Based on Arts and Culture by Heny Subandiyah.
BIPA Learning with music is very popular with BIPA students. According to Heny, foreign students were interested in listening to the song by the famous Indonesian musician, Iwan Fals, entitled Ibu. He uses this method as an updated learning strategy by listening to songs.
Heny also introduces Indonesian traditional clothing culture and wayang kulit performances. Heny admitted that he had brought several Indonesian traditional clothes to be demonstrated in a drama performance for foreign students as a requirement for the mid-semester exam (UTS) scores.
"They really enjoy dramatizing short dramas, so I really guided them to create dialogue from fairy tales." he said.
Presentation of material on the theme of BIPA Teaching Materials by Kundharu Saddhono.
Final material delivered by Kundharu Saddhono, BIPA researcher and lecturer at Sebelas Maret University (UMS), regarding BIPA teaching materials. Saddhono also shared tips and tricks for writing books and fighting laziness.
“The tip is to make a matrix before writing a book. Target the chapters and pages of the book you want to write, as well as the list of references. "I always apply these tips every time I write a book," said the UNS lecturer who loves writing and has around 27 published books, 122 non-Scopus journals, and many other works.
Moreover, BIPA teaching is not only based on strategy, culture and curriculum, student innovation and innovation also need to be applied in every learning process to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm for learning.
This training was held with hopes to increase the competency of BIPA teachers in teaching Indonesian, especially to foreign students. With the methods and materials obtained through this training, we hope that BIPA teachers can apply their knowledge well.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Dewanda Puspita
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