Appearance of Chinese Language Education study program students during Chinese Day Commemoration at UNESA, SURABAYA—UNESA's Confucius Institute (CI) and HMP Mandarin Language Education held Zhonghua Ri or Chinese Day in the Auditorium on the floor 4, Building T14, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (UNESA), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Friday, April 26 2024.
Activity with the theme 'Discovering The Beauty of Chinese Language and Culture ' This aims to accommodate, channel and develop the interests and talents of students in the Mandarin Language Education study program.
The chief executive, Happy Kusuma Ningrum, said that this activity is an annual event to celebrate various Mandarin languages and cultures as a way to strengthen language competence. Mandarin.
"We also hold competitions such as composing competitions, poetry reading, shufa, story telling. "There are also offline competitions which include speech, choir, dance, and selection of Mandarin boys and girls," he explained.
Coordinator of Mandarin Language Education Study Program, Miftachul Amri, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D ., said that this activity could be a forum for students to be creative. Apart from that, students could learn not only about the language, but also get to know their culture.
Participants demonstrated. their abilities in the Chinese Day commemorative choir competition
A combination of cultures and languages in one activity which is carried out all day for students to practice their communication skills in front of many people.
Then students are able to display identity, as stated by student participants from the class of 2022. "I am happy that this activity can be a place to practice language skills. "I took part last year and am now joining again with the intention of learning," said one of the participants.
Deputy Dean for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs, and Alumni Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., said that activities like this are important for students to improve their abilities and as reinforcement for learning Mandarin culture and language.
"Language cannot be separated from culture and society. "Because of that, if we learn Mandarin, of course we also learn various aspects inherent in the language itself, one of which is through activities like this," he said.
Furthermore, after the Chinese Day activities are finished, within the next 2 weeks there will be a Chinese Bridge event, namely a competition related to Mandarin language and culture in in East Java. It is planned that participants from campuses that have Mandarin language study programs throughout the province of East Java will participate.
The results of the speech competition resulted in Inggralies Dikita being the winner of the Class I Class of 2023 dance was won by Ke Ke from class A, class of 2023. The male runner up was won by Afrizal Kautsar Putra from class I, class of 2023.
The female runner up was won by Aisyah Nur Aini, class I, class of 2023. Then, the Mandarin boy was won by Dandung Tianggara from class B class of 2022 and the Mandarin women were won by Cellin Arta from class B class of 2022.[]
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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