Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Disability Innovation Center (DIC) and the Directorate of Community Education and Special Education (PMPK) of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology held a meeting inMeeting Room, 8th floor, Building Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus II, on Friday, November 22 2024.
This meeting is in the context of benchmarking service and innovation governance disability field. Chairman of the Indonesian Orthopedagogical Professional Association (APOI), Sujarwanto explained that this activity was one of UNESA's flagship programs initiated by the Center for Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI) in the field of disabilities.
"Through this activity, we hope that PMPK can provide constructive input and suggestions for the development of our programs in the field of special and inclusive education," he said.
Director of Community Education and Special Education, Bahrudin said that his presence with the team was in the context of strengthening sustainable synergy between PMPK and UNESA in developing special education and inclusive services.
According to him, this activity reflects synergy between academics and government, which not only strengthens scientific concepts, but also produces strategic collaboration.
"We hope that this discussion can create new innovations to improve special and inclusive education, so that the benefits can be felt more widely by society, especially people with disabilities," he said.
He also highlighted the importance of vocational skills in special education. The new paradigm that he is currently designing is integrating vocational skills into special education.
This aims to ensure that students not only have academic knowledge, but also skills that are relevant to the needs of the world of work.
On this occasion, UNESA's Disability Innovation Center (DIC) explained its superior products such as Jobdis, Fun Bigbook, and Quranic Recitation Virtual Reality. These three products are designed to provide innovative solutions in supporting the educational needs and potential development of people with disabilities.
Jobdis is a platform to help people with disabilities connect with job opportunities according to their abilities and interests.

This meeting is an opportunity for UNESA to get input from the PMPK Directorate for the development of disability services and innovation on the 'Home of Champions' campus.
Meanwhile, Fun BigBook is a media interactive learning developed for children with special needs. This book is equipped with attractive visuals, educational content and uses manual sign language to highlight key words in spoken sentences.
Furthermore, Quranic Recitation Virtual Reality is a learning innovation tool and assistive technology for students with special needs. The aim is as a medium for reading the Koran, a medium for ablution movements and animation related to prayer movements for children with sensory disabilities who are deaf and speech impaired.
These three innovations show UNESA's commitment to creating real solutions that empower people with disabilities, both in educational, career and spiritual aspects. It is hoped that these products will have a positive impact and strengthen UNESA's position as a center of excellence in the field of disabilities.
In addition, the event was attended by Mukhlis Mansur, Head of the Program and Evaluation Sub-directorate at the Directorate of Community Education and Special Education (PMPK) , Budiyanto, Chair of the UNESA Disability Innovation Center (DIC) and his staff as well as lecturer in Special Education or Inclusive Education. [*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo : UNESA PR Team
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