This national seminar is an important provision for students in starting and developing their business.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA–The Student Executive Body (BEM) of Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a national entrepreneurship seminar with the theme "How To Become A Young Entrepreneur In The Era of Society 5.0" at the 11th floor Auditorium, UNESA Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Saturday (9 /11/2024).
This seminar aims to foster a creative and innovative spirit towards independent and sustainable entrepreneurship for students. As resource persons were the professor at Ciputra University (UC), Tommy Kaihatu, and the young Gresik entrepreneur, founder of CV Sheriz Cipta Inspirasi, Shelma Ayu Desearsa.
The chief executive, Adli Muhammad Zaky, said that the spirit of flexibility needs to be trained by young entrepreneurs. That's why the aim of this activity is to equip students with entrepreneurship insights directly from experts and practitioners.
"An entrepreneur is not only required to have a strong business vision and mission, but also to have high adaptability to the technological and social environment," he said.
Vice President of BEM UNESA, Wika Sufyan Hidayat hopes for sustainable results from this activity. "With the hope that the committee and participants can bring the experiences that will be conveyed by our two resource persons, it will become valuable young entrepreneurial knowledge to be passed on to children and grandchildren in the future," he hoped.
In this forum we discuss the development of the era of human civilization which started from hunting activities (1.0), farming (2.0), relying on industrial mass production (3.0), digital style (4.0), to artificial intelligence technology (5.0 ).
Indonesia is still undergoing a transition process from the era of digitalization to the era of artificial intelligence. Each of these societal civilizations brings innovations that can make human activities easier.
For example, in the Society 5.0 era, the Jakarta Smart City (JAKI) application innovation succeeded in integrating more than 40 public services to make them more efficient, as well as digital products Telemedicine and Siloam Hospital's Electronic Medical Record which benefits many patients.
Innovations like this can occur because there is a mindset that builds a person's habit of venturing out of their comfort zone and monotonous system. Called an entrepreneurial mindset, this mindset helps young entrepreneurs become individuals who accept failure and uncertainty as part of learning and the opportunity to achieve success.
The UC professor who is familiarly called Prof. Tommy said that this entrepreneurial mindset was formed from a growth mindset, namely a mindset that encourages young entrepreneurs to want to continue learning and developing according to their talents and talents. "When facing failure, look for a group of friends who can be an encouragement during entrepreneurship so that it doesn't feel hard," he said.

Professor of Ciputra University (UC), Tommy Kaihatu explained the development of human civilization which cannot be separated from the way of thinking and innovation that results as a marker of civilization itself.
In starting a business, someone must If you have a mature entrepreneurial product or service plan, the next step is to have the courage to start. As a Gresik Young Entrepreneur who has successfully marketed her beauty products (Sheriz) in 30 major malls in Indonesia, Shelma Ayu Desearsa emphasized the need for a mentality that has the courage to start.
According to her, entrepreneurs do not need to be afraid of criticism and bad prejudice from other people. "It was thought that my product was only limited to re-packaging, even though we created the product formulation, fragrance and texture ourselves. "So we have to have the courage to defeat the judgment of those people," said the UNESA alumnus.
All efforts can start from simplicity. “Young entrepreneurs can start from small things. "For example, first post a product on Instagram, offer it to friends around you, make a logo, build a brand, start looking for relationships first," he added.
If you don't have the courage to try and start a business, then young people Those who actually have entrepreneurial skills will not know how to sell or try. Starting from her product which went viral on Tiktok when she was 19 years old, Shelma motivated participants to have the courage to follow up on their business ideas.
Associated with artificial intelligence (AI), entrepreneurial activities are reflected in collaboration between technology and humans. This is demonstrated by the use of Google Maps which navigates land travel with the help of an AI system, to Chat-GPT which is a tool for providing extensive information which is a product of the Society 5.0 era.
"Activities such as video editing, promotions and advertising creation , it also feels easier. "But we still have to learn and have skills, so that we are not completely replaced by technology," he explained.
As a form of appreciation, BEM UNESA provided souvenirs for the two speakers, complete with speaker certificates. Two UNESA student participants, Nabila Azahra and Cahya Nastiti, also received awards for their activeness, and were immediately awarded samples of Sheriz beauty products.
This activity was attended by the Head of Sub-Directorate for Ormawa Development and UNESA Alumni Agung Setiawan, lecturers and student participants from around the world. Campus 'Home of Champions'.[*]
Reporter: Joy Nathanael (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: National Entrepreneurship Seminar Committee
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